As a member of the Seimas, A.Guoga declares that it is a Canadian company


Binance and Gemini went down! If you want to have something to do with #btc (the so-called bitcoin cryptocurrency for short), but to avoid similar problems, #CSE Cypherpunk Holdings Inc., of which I am the CEO, can get you into the game! ”Monday on his Facebook account, created on Facebook. Tony guogos to name.

Photo by Facebook / Antanas Guoga introduces himself as the director of a Canadian company

Facebook Photo / Antanas Guoga introduces himself as the director of a Canadian company

On one account – a politician, on another – a businessman

It was under this name – Tony – A.Guoga became famous in the world of poker before becoming involved in politics. That this is your account can be guessed from photos and responsibilities.

There is another Facebook account created in the name of Antanas Guoga.

In it, the politician presents himself as an investor, entrepreneur, former member of the European Parliament, poker enthusiast and philanthropist.

That a member of the Seimas is not indicated either.

Photo from Facebook account / Poker player Tony Guoga

Photo from Facebook account / Poker player Tony Guoga

Ask again to revoke the mandate of a member of the Seimas

As already announced, on January 12, the MP submitted an application to the CEC to end his powers as a member of the Seimas.

He motivated this movement by not wanting to “lead the voters by the nose.”

A.Guoga still has the mandate of member of the Seimas, because the CEC has not satisfied the request so far. Because you didn’t show up for the commission meeting and you didn’t read your statement aloud as required by law.

Even before that, the politician informed the Seimas Board about going abroad.

Therefore, he asked the CEC to allow him to attend the meeting remotely, but the law does not contemplate this possibility.

A.Guoga indicated that he could only attend the session after March 9, that is, after the beginning of the spring session of the Seimas.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Guoga

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Guoga

As the parliamentary request to rescind the mandate was rejected, he had to run again. 15 minutes knowledge a new request was sent by the parliamentarian Monday.

Cited as a guide

As soon as A.Guoga announced that he wanted to withdraw from Seimas, the Canadian company “Cypherpunk Holdings”, investing in technology and cryptocurrencies, circulated a report that A.Guoga returned to manager position.

15 minutes received information that A.Guoga had been able to hold this position since August of last year.

When applying for the Seimas, he joined said company in his declaration of private interests, but indicated that he was a consultant and not a CEO.

A company report published on August 4 of last year states that A.Guoga has become its CEO.

His responsibilities were mentioned on the company’s website at a later date. In December, the MP was named as head of the company in press releases.

Presentation of A.Guoga on the company page

Presentation of A.Guoga on the company page

The politics itself 15 minutes declared your activities in the company indefinitely suspended before taking the oath in the Seimas and presented the internal minutes of the meeting of company representatives, in which it is indicated that “Tony Guoga has submitted an application not to work indefinitely as of November 11.”

According to Vytautas Sinkevičius, professor in the Department of Constitutional Law at Mykolas Romeris University, this is not enough, although activities have been suspended, functions have not been performed, they have been maintained, it is prohibited by the Constitution and there is a risk of judgment politician.

It would be enough for the Seimas to adopt a resolution

Such activities would allow A. Guoga’s powers to be terminated before the Seimas, through a political trial or through the adoption of a relevant resolution.

If a member of Parliament does not resign from a previous position or start working, which is not allowed by the Statute and the Constitution, his powers will be can end sentence, without even accusation.

The Constitution establishesthat “the duties of a member of the Seimas, except his duties in the Seimas, are incompatible with any other duty in state institutions and organizations, as well as with work in business, commerce and other private institutions or companies.”

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania

However, in the words of V. Sinkevičius, in this case “it is not necessary to accuse, but to apply a completely different point of the Constitution”.

The Basic Law of the State also states that the powers of a member of the Seimas terminate when, among other things, he or she “moves to work or does not refuse a job incompatible with the duties of a member of the Seimas.” In other words, a parliamentarian can only hold one position and have no other job or position.

“Here it is: if it turns out that he is working in another job, occupies a position, he did not answer them, the Seimas Ethics and Procedures Committee must carry out an investigation and prepare a draft resolution to end the term of a Seimas member.” 15 minutes the lawyer explained. “The Seimas can rescind the powers without preparing an indictment, but simply by voting, adopting a resolution to terminate the powers, because they have not given up a job that a member of the Seimas cannot work.”

A resolution to end the powers of a parliamentarian will be adopted if more than half of all Seimas members vote in favor, at least 71.

It is true that in this case the participation of A. Guoga is also necessary: ​​“A person must be heard, they must have the right to give explanations. Perhaps it turns out that the situation is completely different. Without listening to the person, without inviting him to a session of the committee or the Seimas, where the vote is held, it is impossible to terminate the powers, ”emphasized the interlocutor.

Asked if in this case it is also necessary for the politician himself to attend the meeting, if it can be done remotely during the pandemic or to give explanations in writing, V. Sinkevičius stated:

“If you say you are going to send explanations remotely, and that suits you, then yeah, I don’t see a problem here. But he must be heard in all cases, he has the right to present explanations, evidence, refutations, he has the right to defend himself ”.
