Supermarket training: sports clubs interrupted by the government want to be heard


They are on the brink of extinction Lithuanian sports and health clubsit is taking drastic measures to get the attention of the government. Coaches from the sports club located in Vilnius organized a training session in the largest shopping and entertainment center in the capital. According to government regulations, crowds of people can visit the shopping malls. Meanwhile, gyms are banned from exercising, even under stricter requirements than at outlets.

February 7 marks exactly three months in which sports and health clubs are unable to carry out their core business. December 16 of last year. Individual training with a trainer was further restricted through further tightening of quarantine restrictions. As a result, the turnover of the health sector was reduced by more than 90 percent. Most clubs are on the brink of bankruptcy and fear to face the fate of clubs that have not survived the first quarantine.

“The efforts of the Lithuanian Association of Health Clubs to speak to government representatives have been unsuccessful so far. We have lost hope that the Government will listen to our concerns and address the survival of sports clubs. If we continue to be ignored and Sports clubs can not open, we will be forced to train in supermarkets, where people are not prohibited from visiting, – says one of the founders of the City Boxing club, which organized trainings in the supermarket. Tadas Tamašauskas. – Several research studies looking at the consequences of a coronavirus pandemic have shown that reducing physical activity has a significant negative impact on people’s physical health and psychological condition. Sports and health clubs are prepared to address these issues safely during a pandemic. Unfortunately, it seems that the Government is building our activities in one place with discos and bars. Even releases are being prepared for beauty services, and the need for sport for people is not mentioned. “

Representatives of sports clubs draw the attention of the authorities to the fact that Lithuania is one of the leading countries in terms of mortality from cardiovascular diseases, even before the pandemic, our country significantly exceeded the average of the countries of the Union European in terms of obesity. The health sector, which deals with these problems, is ready to resume operations at any time, while ensuring the safety of visitors.

Tadas Tamašauskas |  Photo by Saulius Čirba

Tadas Tamašauskas | Photo by Saulius Čirba

“We are well aware of the risks of a pandemic, but we are prepared to work safely and contribute to efforts to stop the pandemic, like any other small business. We are ready to ensure the Government’s instructions, which we followed above, to ensure at least 10 square meters M. meter. area per person exercising in clubs. Club people practice sports in large spaces, which are constantly ventilated with professional equipment, strict visitor control, training is carried out without physical contact, we provide enough disinfectants “, says Tamašauskas, vice president of the Vilnius Boxing Federation, representing four clubs located in the capital. – Our sports club facilities are 620 m2. m. It is only a medium-sized club, but it less three times the size of a normal salon. Unfortunately, we have no compensation plans and this position of government leads us to despair. The government does not intend to reimburse the rental cost of the venue, which is the main cost for sports clubs along with utility bills. Furthermore, the government’s proposed GPM compensation mechanism is completely useless for sports clubs, as coaches provide services to clubs under a service contract. Without the support of the state, the health sector will simply collapse, as will our disease prevention. “

The multiple Lithuanian boxing champion T. Tamašauskas assures that if the situation does not change, the Lithuanian Olympians can stay on the street.

“A significant part of the Olympic team members living in Vilnius play sports in private clubs, because not only boxers, but also representatives of other sports simply don’t have other training rooms in the capital. If private sports clubs go bankrupt and close, we will be forced to prepare for the battle for Olympic passes outside in the snow. Or we will do sports in supermarkets. We hope that, as highly skilled athletes, they will be allowed to train in supermarkets without masks, ”said T. Tamašauskas, who is fighting for the ticket to the Tokyo Olympics.

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