Valdas Sutkus resigns as President of the Lithuanian Business Confederation


V. Sutkus argued his resignation due to the fact that, due to the situation, he is no longer able to adequately occupy the position of President of the LVK.

“Due to public information released by law enforcement officers about the allegations made against me, a shadow has been cast not only for me personally, but also for the entire Lithuanian Business Confederation.

However, I would like to reiterate once again that I do not agree with the allegations made and will defend my rights by all legal means.

It is obvious that due to the consequences of the ongoing pre-trial investigation, not only am I unable to adequately represent the organization as its boss, but I also face the need to devote all my energy to personal legal protection at this time, ” V. Sutkus said in his resignation statement.

A. Romanovskis, who was elected new LVK President, immediately emphasized the openness and transparency of the LVK organization’s activities.

“The duty of our organization has always been to represent Lithuanian companies and we continue to believe that this is in the public interest. We have done it and we will do it publicly and transparently ”, he says.

Obviously, due to the consequences of the ongoing pre-trial investigation, not only am I unable to adequately represent the organization as its leader, but I am also faced with the need to devote all my energy to personal repair at this time.

According to the new head of the LVK, the duty of the state is to establish the rules of public policy and draw a clear line between legal and illegal influence on the government, which so far has not been the case.

According to A. Romanovskis, there cannot be a situation where law enforcement officers speak publicly about thin borders or gray areas and such a situation is tolerated.

“Our organization believes that this situation must change and we must all agree. We will always remain in favor of open and public dialogue with our partners, both on the state side and in the union,” he says.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Andrius Romanovskis

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Andrius Romanovskis

Two new vice presidents of the organization were also elected at the LVK presidium meeting on Tuesday. They became Marius Dubnikovas, financial analyst, chairman of the LVK Tax Commission, and Dovilė Burgienė, managing partner of the law firm WALLESS.

The LVK Presidium also decided to carry out a comprehensive financial and operational audit of the organization, as well as an independent anti-corruption assessment, to dispel even the slightest doubts about the transparency of activities and make the necessary decisions as the organization moves forward. adapts to new challenges.

Given the situation that has been developing these weeks, the LVK Presidium urges politicians and heads of state institutions and representatives to refrain from any impact on the investigation process regarding the accusations made against Valdas Sutkas and Mantas Zalatoris.

Furthermore, in the opinion of the LVK Presidium, the police must respect the constitutional principle of the presumption of innocence and, therefore, must refrain from providing unilateral and measured information to the public about the case. The LVK believes that the public should be fully aware of all the allegations or that the authorities should maintain “legal silence” by limiting themselves to objective information about the investigation launched. The LVK Presidium also noted that the investigation must be not only objective but also immediate to dispel any doubts that have arisen in society as soon as possible.
