Ski centers: in some places tickets are swept, in others only 30 percent worked. capacity


The manager of the Drivininkai-based Snow Arena, Aivaras Kadziauskas, told Eltai that the flow of skiers over the weekend was not as high as in the same period last year.

“Comparing how much we’ve accomplished before, we really haven’t had such a large flow of people wanting to ski. However, people who come to ski enjoy the services provided. (…) In principle, I think that the opening of the ski resorts is a positive step forward, and that people are being given the opportunity to skate and lift their spirits emotionally because people are already tired of the quarantine, ”he said.

According to A. Kadziauskas, the people who came to ski behaved in good faith and complied with the requirements, so the quarantine restrictions were safely secured.

“Certainly there have been no violations, we are working in accordance with the requirements established by the Government and the quarantine conditions, and personally we have not violated anything,” he said.

According to A. Kadziauskas, visitors to the center positively valued the possibility of registering to ski electronically.

“People are very happy to be able to choose the times they want to come skiing, and the conditions are right for that, so we really have no complaints,” he said.

The Snow Arena headline added that the center managed to prepare for the opening fairly quickly.

“As there was really a lot of snow in Dzūkija this year, we prepared very quickly and did not have to build additional snow cannons, because the amount of snow is sufficient. We prepare the slopes very quickly,” said A. Kadziauskas.

Laima Karbauskienė, president of the Lapiai Community Center, which installed the Utriai Hill ski slope, said that on the first weekend of the opening, the flows of skiers were managed without problems.

“The weather was nice, the weather was nice and there were no more skiers than they could afford on the chairlift. We are regulated by how we form our schedules so that there are no more than 30 people in the elevator, this is how we regulate the flows. And it was convenient for us, maybe we will stick to that system in the future, “he said.

However, L. Karbauskienė pointed out that not everyone wanted the opportunity to use the ski slope.

“The tickets were exchanged, not everyone managed to get them, but we urge not to get angry, the winter seems to be longer, everyone will be able to ski. So much so that skating with a sled is not allowed, skating on the beginners track with an instructor is not allowed, and people have called to say they would like to use these services. But we do not have the opportunity to offer them this year, due to the meeting and the distances, we simply do not allow it, “he said.

According to the president of the Lapiai community, the people followed the established rules in good faith, took the comments into account and said that “we will do what you say.”
“We follow the rules so that we can only work properly,” he added.
Evaluating the results of the first weekend, L. Karbauskienė stated that it was really worth opening the ski slope.

“It was worth it for us, because our season was already short, because the weather was not always good in the west and this year is a real winter, which was not the case before. And there was no such cold.

We are a community and we are not looking to make big profits or business. But in fact we will earn money, we will cover people’s expenses and salaries, and the community will continue to have a share of the profits, ”said L. Karbauskienė.

Saulius Gramauskas, manager of the Mortos Kalns ski slope, stated in his preparation that the slope was working only 30 percent. capacity.

“We received 30 percent. People compared to how many non-pandemic skiers we got in that climate and how many were available under the quarantine regime. There are no children at all, the children’s track is practically not working. The elevator is only occupied. during peak hours, but in the morning there are no people at night, “he said.

According to S. Gramauskas, there were no problems with flow management either, because simply “there is nothing to regulate. It may be necessary to regulate flows in Vilnius, Klaipeda. We don’t even need it because there aren’t enough people. “

However, according to S. Gramauskas, it was worth opening the ski slope.
“If it was the last week now, then it wouldn’t be worth it, but it looks like it will be winter for another two weeks, it’s worth it,” he said.

The government has allowed cross-country skiing services to resume since February 2.

The provision of these services is allowed through the electronic distribution of tickets and the pre-registration of visitors. The provision of ski equipment rental services and services other than ski slopes on outdoor ski slopes is prohibited.
Restrictions on the flow of visitors must be guaranteed at the place where ski slope services are provided.

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