Ž.Vaičiūnas: The government is considering compensating foreign tourists every third night Business


“A new measure that we are still developing, but that is fundamentally unique in Europe, is promoting inbound tourism, that is, compensating tourists for accommodation services every three nights,” the minister told the government during a press conference. .

Look at the government broadcast:

“We plan that around 10 thousand people can use this tool. Tourists,” he added.

A similar measure has been notified by the Italian region. Sicily has announced a new program to compensate half the price of a tourist flight ticket, as well as a third of the cost of a night in a hotel.

The tourism sector is one of the most affected by the new coronavirus pandemic.

However, Ž.Vaičiūnas claims that the sector is recovering. According to him, this shows that more people are recently being employed in this sector than are being laid off.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Žygimantas Vaičiūnas

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15min / Žygimantas Vaičiūnas

“Of course, this is related to the start of the season, but the situation is really improving, especially since representatives of the tourism sector and company managers are much more positive about the current situation,” said the acting minister.

He also said that starting next week, the Investment and Business Guarantees (Invega) will begin to provide individual guarantees to tour operators, and in two weeks, the loans.

Ž.Vaičiūnas also recalled that the Government has allocated one million euros to compensate for the unplanned transportation of Lithuanian tourists abroad during the emergency.

The government will also support the tourism sector with around 50,000. Doctors handing out a € 200 voucher for the holidays this fall.

Photo from 123rf.com/People at Gediminas Hill

Photo from 123rf.com/People at Gediminas Hill

According to the acting Minister of Economy, tourism companies have had a week to request subsidies to transform the sector. With these subsidies, companies will be able to develop and improve tourism products, train employees and take marketing measures.

According to him, during the week more than 50 grant applications for 1.3 million were received. euros

“Better than nothing”

Executive Director of the Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association Eglė Ližaitytė 15 minutes He said he welcomed the proposal, as it would allow tourists to stay longer in the country.

“Typically, tourists stay two nights, and here the third is free, they don’t pay, and the hotel would be compensated by the state.” This is one of the measures to revive tourism and promote it. This measure was discussed and coordinated with the businesses of our association. We really support it, ”he said.

It is true that E. Ližaitytė believes that such a measure could not keep tourists arriving in groups, because those people, for example, stay in Vilnius for one or two nights.

Photo of Apex Alliance / Hilton Hotel in Vilnius

Photo of Apex Alliance / Hilton Hotel in Vilnius

For this reason, although the third night would be free, according to the head of the association, it would be difficult to support those tourists.

“It just came to our attention then. The hotels are welcoming, but everyone knows the reality that there is rarely anyone who can benefit from inbound tourism, especially groups,” he explained.

Furthermore, according to E. Ližaitytė, the initiative still poses many technical problems. For example, if a tourist should use all three nights in the same hotel, or could use it in accommodation establishments in different cities.

However, he said such a move would boost the tourism sector.

“It is better than nothing,” said E. Ližaitytė.
