EU Head of Diplomacy supports dialogue with Russia after visit to Moscow


Europe has strongly condemned this week’s decision by a Russian court to imprison a 44-year-old anti-corruption activist for nearly three years and to crack down on protesting Navaln supporters. In recent weeks, more than 10,000 people have been arrested in Russia. persons.

Outraged by the treatment of Navaln and the protesters, EU members were controversial over Borrell’s visit, but the former Spanish foreign minister said dialogue with Russia should be maintained.

Photo by Scanpix / Meeting of Sergei Lavrov and Joseph Borrell in Moscow

Photo by Scanpix / Meeting of Sergei Lavrov and Joseph Borrell in Moscow

“Diplomatic channels must remain open, not only to de-escalate crises or incidents, but also to communicate directly, to send strong and open signals, especially when relations are far from satisfactory,” he said.

One test of this strategy, however, was Moscow’s decision to send Polish, German and Swedish diplomats during his visit, just hours after Borrell’s meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said diplomats had protested against the participation of diplomatic staff from the Swedish and Polish consulates in St. Petersburg and the German embassy in Moscow in protests by Navaln supporters on January 23. These EU members claim that the decision is completely unfounded.

Borrell said he would give details of his visit to EU foreign ministers on February 22 and that EU leaders would discuss strained relations with Moscow at a summit in March.

The statement said EU diplomats “stayed in contact” with Navaln’s lawyers during the two-day visit, but did not provide further details and did not mention possible new sanctions against Russia.

Borrell also visited a site in Moscow where opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was assassinated six years ago, according to the statement.

In a statement issued after the February 4-6 visit, Borrell and Lavrov discussed “many foreign policy issues, including Russia’s actions in Ukraine, the need to respect the democratic choice of Belarusians, and other conflicts in the countries. neighbors”.

Borrell stressed cooperation, respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and expressed the EU’s deep concern over the deterioration of the human rights situation in Russia, according to the notice.

During the visit, he also reiterated that the EU hopes that “Navalnas and those detained during the last demonstrations will be released” immediately and unconditionally. “

The visit also discussed cooperation on an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, the Middle East peace process.

Mr. Borrell and Mr. Lavrov spoke about possible cooperation in areas such as research and innovation, climate change and health.

The statement said that the EU diplomatic chief also met with representatives of Russian civil society organizations.
