I. Puzaraitė, who did not sterilize the dog and gave birth to 9 puppies, was criticized: “It is a surprise for us” | Names


“The Žvaguliai farm is filling up. Our Donut probably just gave birth to cubs. We still don’t know how many or which ones, but Oak is already checking,” began Ineta Puzaraitė-Žvagulienė her narrative story.

He also performed and shared points of view from his backyard. Here is the way of the dog and the new lives that unfold in the world. True, at extremely low temperatures.

Shortly after the moments of the new stage were made public, the woman asked how many wolf cubs they give birth: “I know it can be different. But if your dog had given birth, how many were there? I’ll take the average because I don’t know how much longer to wait. “

“I am very happy that we now have 5 cubs. Their answers vary between 5 and 12. We will see what we have in the morning,” said the woman. In the morning, she clarified that a total of 8 lives appeared.

Personal album photo album / Ineta Puzaraitė-Žvagulienė

Personal album photo album / Ineta Puzaraitė-Žvagulienė

The fans were outraged

However, the family of Ineta and Ąžuolas Žvaguliai received more than support due to increased exploitation. That was reported by the interpreter herself.

“There are those who write that we are irresponsible parents, owners, because we raise non-sterilized animals. I am very interested in your opinion: why should all animals be castrated?

We both hope and want those puppies. I don’t understand what crime we committed, that our puppy gives birth to puppies and there will be puppies in the new house ”, the woman could not believe.

15 minutes he got in touch with Ineta herself. This explained that things were not at all like they could have come off Instagram.

“Donut is quite young, all childish. We planned to spay her in the future, and until then we left her with another bitch so they wouldn’t become puppies.

Anyway, we live on a single farm, we let the dogs run very rarely, so we don’t even suspect that it might have children. There didn’t seem to be any dogs or people around either. But it turns out that life passes and everything passes “, – laughed I.Puzaraitė-Žvagulienė

Asked about the way the dog and the puppies were born in the cold, the woman assured that Spurga herself had chosen that place. By the way, the pet’s path is isolated, so Ineta said she was not concerned.

“It just came to our knowledge then lentils, we take good care of them. His path is isolated, there is a large aviary. Since it’s cold outside, immediately after Spurga gave birth to the puppies, we brought them all in, ”explained Ineta.

According to Ineta, almost all the puppies are already reserved for friends, family and loved ones. “It just came to our notice then. I really am in favor of sterilization, not raising pets in vain, etc. But this time it just happened as it did,” the woman assured him.

After the conversation with 15min, Ineta shared her opinion about the situation.

P. Morkūnas: “Sterilization is also important for incest diseases”

15 minutes he also contacted the veterinarian Paulius Morkūnas. He stressed that it is of the utmost importance to sterilize animals that are free and have the opportunity to mate with others.

“Sterilization is most often used for therapeutic purposes. It is also adaptable due to animal collisions. If the animals get loose, mate with each other, incest occurs and additional diseases occur. In addition, the reproduction of animals greatly increases their population.

Personal Album Photo / Paul Morkūnas

Personal Album Photo / Paul Morkūnas

It turns out that nobody looks at them, the aid organizations are already full. Although people take animals there, they do not give them away. This is why sterilization programs are taking place around the world: they are captured, sterilized and can live in the open air. Otherwise, when animals are raised that are not cared for, they become poor, for life, … ”, – 15 minutes the vet commented.

P. Morkūnus also assured that a safe and warm place is especially important when a puppy is born. A man would like modern people to change their opinion that pets can be found anywhere.

“Animals are now so beloved in Lithuania that they even hire midwives and invite vets into their homes. Sometimes we are awake when a puppy gives birth to puppies. Both me and my coworker, when the puppy gave birth, neither We were even going to work, caring.

Giving birth in the fields, say, is known to be unsafe, especially if one is not supervised by a human. Leave the animal, mate it … He will not help himself, he will suffer in the corner. In such cases, there is not a single loss, “said P. Morkūnas.
