Aistis Mickevičius appreciated the idea of ​​working less and earning the same: Lithuanians are lazy


The show covers the top ten most interesting news of the week each week, and this week there has been more than ever from the criminal section: both Lino Kleiza’s unrecorded ATV ride and a trapped sorceress promising “good energy to clean up and collect.” money and stealing money, where there are still police raids and the earnings of thousands of prostitutes.

“The prostitutes in Vilnius are not threatened by the virus or by fines: they are praised for earning 30 thousand a month. This news was published on the Delfi portal this week. “The quarantine and all this pandemic highlights very interesting things in the world, and one of those interesting things is that the world is highlighting areas that are very promising to think about the future, about future business. I think this is a great example and it is really possible to retrain in the ranks of the relevant and oldest profession in the world without waiting long, because we see that there are actually sectors that are little constrained and little affected. ”A. Mickevičius joked.

News about quarantine was also discussed on the show: the ski resorts opened this week and other businessmen are still waiting their turn. It is true that small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are already collecting signatures and intend to go to court due to their limited activities, but the confederation representing workers says that it is now necessary to take good care of their employees, not just give them all the protection they need, but perhaps even shorten the working day without reducing wages.

“It just came to our attention then. I think people in general tend to agree on some things. Everything can be agreed. Various conditions can be agreed, employers can agree with employees, employers can agree with the government, if the Government has such a desire, said the guest of the show. “Everything is a matter of agreement.”

If interested, he would support the offer to work less, but to earn the same amount, he did not hesitate to reply: “So Lithuanians are lazy at heart. Have them sit on the couch and slide down the hill. Everything here is good and great. “

Considering that perhaps three times longer lunch breaks should be legalized, A. Mickevičius also did not hesitate to compare this with the Spanish tradition. “So what? Sesta is happening in Spain and that nap is now recovering a lot. Somehow everything was put aside so that those naps would no longer exist, and the naps had recovered again and everything was working at certain intervals. I think that these things are good ”, commented the guest of the program.

A. Mickevičius stated that it was fully justified to work from home and said that even before the pandemic he doubted the need for so many offices. “In the old days, I dreamed that people who could work from somewhere didn’t necessarily go to offices,” said A. Mickevičius. “Then there was a pandemic and it turned out that not everyone really needs to go to those offices and they don’t even need that many offices.”

By the way, after asking him what Mickiewicz himself is missing most now, he answered without blinking that he lacked more spiritual penis and added with a laugh: “I want to go to the hairdresser, I want to go to the hairdresser, I want to cut my hair” .

The program also talked about the ban on smoking on the balconies of apartment buildings, which has now come into effect. It is true that for the prohibition to take effect in one or another apartment building, the residents themselves must submit applications to the municipalities. There are already 270 apartment buildings of this type in Vilnius, where smoking is already officially banned.

“The more prohibitions, the more captive and restrained we are among ourselves,” said A. Mickevičius when reviewing this news. “I understand that not everyone is a smoker and that smoking is a harmful habit, but then put smokers somewhere.”

A. Mickevičius spends a lot of time outside of Lithuania, but when asked if he had noticed interesting bans in other countries, he replied that everything is very logical everywhere. The creator of the fragrance, who recently spent three weeks in Barcelona, ​​assured me that everything works logically. “It is very logical. Many things are the opposite of what we have. Large supermarkets do not work there, unlike us, there are more small businesses there ”, assured the interlocutor.

During the program, Lukas Gricius and Naglis Bierancas, the first magazine cover of its kind in Lithuania, were also discussed, this time on the cover of L’Officiel magazine, who did not hide their love. A. Mickevičius considered that we will not see the second such cover in the near future, because there are not many pairs in which both are bright and worthy of the cover. And although this cover was well received by the public, A. Mickevičius assured that there are always all kinds of opinions.

“There is nothing very scandalous about that, but we know that in the Lithuanian context, when you read the comments, God, your ears are tilted. In principle, people should look more to the affairs of their bed, their personal life, so that there really is nothing magical here, – said A. Mickevičius, and after joking that people like to see how others live during quarantine, he added. . – What to do? Go lie down on the couch with your wife and do something. “

The program “Are you serious?” Review the ten most interesting and important news of the week. You can find the whole conversation in the show’s recording.

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