I. imonyt: quarantine release plan – monday


Ingrida imonyt, prime minister. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Prime Minister Ingrid Imonyt says the government will approve a quarantine release plan on Monday.

Added a section on Expedited Quarantine Release in the municipal part.

I am absolutely convinced that we will be able to approve such a plan on Monday and will continue to be able to make appropriate decisions about the conditions and from what date activities can resume, I. Company said at a press conference on Friday.

According to her, the government estimates that the pandemic situation in the country remains serious, although clearly better than a few weeks ago.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the specific activities and the dates on which some activities could be released will be discussed with the approval of the quarantine release scheme.

First, the government must agree on a search scheme for each scenario, specifically and under what conditions it can start operating, said I. imonyt.

Then, when we agree on this, and I hope we agree on Monday, the institutions will have the task of drafting the relevant resolutions and I think the government will support them without a great debate, he emphasized.

According to the Prime Minister, if it happens that longer restrictions are needed or must be re-intensified due to a significant deterioration in the epidemiological situation, the possibility of submitting proposals to Seimas to change the scope of support is not ruled out.

He also said that an additional support package should be approved next week to be prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation.

Among the measures should be a means of proof that helps financially and motivates employers, especially small and medium-sized companies, to test their employees so that the opening is considered safer, and these measures to support companies will be approved and approved by the Government in the near future .imonyt.

Accelerated quarantine release is negotiated in part of the municipality

I. The company also says that negotiations are underway for a faster release from quarantine in individual municipalities, where the epidemiological situation of the coronavirus is better than in Lithuania as a whole.

He said that it had been discussed with the municipalities on Friday and that more discussions are expected next week.

We are trying to negotiate with individual municipalities, where the epidemiological situation is much better than the Lithuanian average and improving, in a regime so separate that more release could be done internally than in the country, in exchange for careful monitoring, testing and identification. and other measures, control measures, says I. imonyt.

The Head of Government also stressed that so far the abolition of restrictions on movement, even among municipalities, has not been debated with much intensity, since the epidemiological situation does not allow it.

According to her, part of the municipalities have already reached the so-called scenario B according to the morbidity indicators, when 25,000 municipalities have 25,100 cases in two weeks. Thus, according to I. imonyts, the national quarantine measures in that particular location may seem a bit too severe and the restrictions may be similar to those that might be in place in Scenario B at the national level.

Following the expert’s recommendations, the government agreed that in this scenario, only more than three household contacts would be prohibited in the country, up to 100 company meetings would be allowed safely, based on regular contact education in schools and kindergartens. , and Health and social assistance facilities would be fully restored, restricting customers and ensuring the safety of catering establishments and all points of sale and service.

The health advisor to Prime Minister Ingrida’s company, ivil Gudleviien BNS, stated that the devastation of the quarantine in municipalities is planned to be addressed on Wednesday at the earliest.

Earlier this week, the government allowed the resumption of the activities of the outdoor ski centers. Decisions on liberalizing beauty salons and non-food establishments were expected to be made for another week, but the issue was postponed to next week.

The Council of Experts attached to the Government said that the quarantine had not been released for the moment, but the Minister of Economy Aurin Armonait, after discussing the liberalization of beauty and trade services on Wednesday, still said that the business could resume its operations. operations.

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