I. Šimonytė: quarantine release plan – Monday – MadeinVilnius.lt


Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė says the government will approve the quarantine release plan on Monday.

“I am absolutely convinced that we will be able to approve such a plan on Monday and we will continue to make appropriate decisions on the terms and conditions under which activities could be resumed,” I. Šimonytė told a press conference on Friday.

According to her, the government estimates that the pandemic situation in the country remains serious, although clearly better than a few weeks ago.

The Prime Minister stressed that the specific activities and the dates on which some activities could be launched will be possible to speak in support of the quarantine release scheme.

“First of all, the government must agree on the scheme itself, who in a given scenario, specifically and under what conditions can start operating,” said I. Šimonytė.

“So, when we agree on that, and I hope we agree on that on Monday, the institutions will have the task of drafting the pertinent resolutions, and I think the government will accept them without further debate,” he emphasized.

According to the Prime Minister, if the circumstance arises that longer restrictions would be needed or would have to be reinforced again due to a significant deterioration in the epidemiological situation, the possibility of submitting proposals to the Seimas to change the scope is not ruled out. support.

He also hinted that an additional support package that the Ministry of Economy and Innovation is preparing should be approved next week.

“Those measures should include a test tool that helps financially and motivates employers, especially small and medium-sized companies, to evaluate their employees to be as safe as possible, which will be approved by the government itself in the near future. “- I said I. Šimonytė.

Earlier this week, the government allowed the resumption of the activities of the outdoor ski centers. Decisions on the launch of beauty salons and non-food stores were expected to be made this week, but consideration of the issue was postponed to next week.

The Government Council of Experts said it proposed not to release the quarantine for the time being, but Economy Minister Aušrinė Armonait después, after postponing the issue of liberalization of beauty and trade services on Wednesday, said she still believed the business could resume operations.

Authors: Paulius Viluckas, Erika Alonderytė

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