Rasa Martens, who sold the business: you will earn more from the mob than from a hotel


“I don’t want to speak too mystically about needing to read the signs, but I have to feel when is your chance. Consider putting everything in the balance and making a rational decision ”, this Sunday at 8 pm Rasa, who had to leave her high heels in the closet and put on rubber boots on the free-to-air television channel Delfi TV in the daily program of lifestyle Everyday Heroes.

She makes no secret that saying goodbye to the position of hotel and restaurant manager has not been very easy – after all, she has been working here for more than twenty years – since she left Alytus to study in the capital and got a job.

Many asked him why he had changed jobs in a luxury hotel in the old town for bogs. The woman claims that the man’s business has expanded and grown extremely fast, and is doing very well. “Maybe now our work is not so romantic, but believe me, you can earn much more working so much. The restaurant and hotel business is now thankless,” says the entrepreneur and assures that it was not easy to immerse in a completely new area when he was over forty years old.

According to Martens, when you are very young, you are a maximalist and you think that your energy will never run out. And energy, in principle, also has a certain measurable quantity where you can direct it either in one place or another. And figuring out how not to spread out, but to focus on where you need it most and where you can do more, isn’t easy either.

However, the decision to sell the business had to be made extremely quickly: “If you wait, you can lose, if you are very attached to something, you may make a different decision at that moment, but then it may still happen that you lose it all. You ask, is it difficult? Of course it is difficult ”, the famous woman opens.

It is true that Rasa has spent part of the week in Pape for seven years. Lithuanians love the quiet Latvian coastline, but for the hard-working town of Rasa, living in a small resort has become a big challenge.

“He comes to Pape and says – besides, there are no people at all. A day, a week, a month is really a lot of fun, but if you are a communicative person and want to meet someone, then you feel limited. If we don’t get that far to Palanga, we could do it. But when you are very tired after a day of work, you really don’t want to go another 30 km to Palanga to have a coffee in a cafe, “says the businesswoman.

The lifestyle show “Everyday Heroes” are exciting life stories of strong personalities. Every Sunday at 8 pm on the free Delfi TV channel: interviews with well-known people or people who have chosen an exclusive lifestyle.

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