A joke about the state preparing to take companies to court – what kind of stupid it must be


R. Kuodis spoke on the “Radio of the Day” “Question of the Day” program that small entrepreneurs should present an alternative scenario before making such a decision, which would have been the case if there had been no quarantine at all.

“Small businesses will now take the state to court, another wave of ideocracy begins, but if I were a judge, I would say: ‘You bring me an imaginary scenario that would not have been quarantined and then we will compare it to the scenario you are criticizing here,’ he explained. .

According to the economist, if there were no measures that led to the closing of the business, it does not mean that the business would be better.

“It would be worse for him, because he would have hundreds of thousands of consumers, he would have hundreds of thousands of workers, the health system would have exploded, people would be busy at funerals instead of working in small businesses.

The only thing I agree with is that there are unequal conditions between big and small companies because big companies are ‘following’, he said, stating that he meant that grocery stores can trade industrial products until small ones companies close.

“You are loading chips and you may accidentally buy a vacuum cleaner.

Of course, this demoralizes the little ones who can’t do these things, but the answer to this must be accurate and clear: if morale is no longer helping, there must be heavy fines for violating the spirit of quarantine. It is that the big ones, who have already won the big ones in a dubious way, could feel a little more modest and show solidarity with the small ones, help them to trade through online platforms because they have logistics networks and more funds for online projects, but take the state to the courts, which has introduced the quarantine, what kind of nonsense is needed to do that, “he said.

Delfi recalls that Dalia Matukienė, president of the Council of Small and Medium Enterprises, said on Thursday that companies promise to go to court in the near future.

As he told BNS, the joint action will be brought in court by individual companies.

According to D. Matukienė, currently about 70 thousand people cannot leave their activities. companies and roughly the same number are self-employed or have business licenses, but he did not mention how many of them promise to go to court.

“Now 9 thousand are collected.” I cannot say how many signatures there are today and how many there will be tomorrow, Saturday, “said D. Matukienė. Read more here.
