Outraged by the Government’s decisions: Restaurants and sports clubs have already been opened in Estonia, some students have returned to schools


“Small businesses have been forgotten and the government continues to thrive on big business. (…) Ladies and gentlemen, there is no time to think, small business is on the brink of survival! Every day counts. What We are waiting? Until all the small businessmen go bankrupt?! ”, indignant the parliamentarian.

He notes that quarantine releases are already taking place in other countries. “In Estonia, strict operating bans were in effect only from December 28 to January 17. And then restaurants and sports clubs were reopened, and students in grades I-IV and IX-XII were allowed to return to school. .

From January 25, all students were able to return to schools in Estonia, and from February 1, the entertainment facilities will be open until 9 p.m. In restaurants, no more than six people are allowed to sit in one table and the distance between the tables must be at least two meters.

The Austrian government has also decided to facilitate the quarantine. Shops, schools and hairdressers were allowed to open under strict requirements. Italy, which has been hit hard by COVID-19, already relaxed the restrictions imposed in many of its regions yesterday, giving it more freedom to travel and allowing bars, restaurants and museums to be open during the day ”, says V. Ąžuolas about practice in other countries.

The parliamentarian asks the authorities to let people work. “Perhaps the empty speeches, the useless delays to appease a handful of people are enough? Taking all the security measures, let the people work!” – urges the “peasant” V. Ąžuolas.

ELTA has already announced that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė says changes to the quarantine can be expected next week.

The Prime Minister says she has no doubt that “on Monday an agreement will be reached on the basic quarantine release scheme and open questions will be resolved on the specific stages and conditions of the opening of trade and non-food services. It is very important that the children go back to school as soon as possible, an understandable desire to start a normal business, but even more important not to fall into the yo-yo trap. “

While a decision on a possible resumption of operations was pending Wednesday, the prime minister said she had not shared any promises.
The quarantine in Lithuania was extended until February 28.

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