Businesses affected by COVID-19 may be eligible for higher value state aid Business


The EC has increased the ceiling for state aid to be received from € 100,000 to € 225,000 for companies active in the primary production of agricultural products, from € 120,000 to € 270,000 for companies in the fisheries and aquaculture sector, and from € 800,000 to 1 for companies in all other sectors. € 8 million per economic entity

It was also found that companies that were particularly affected by the coronavirus crisis and whose turnover decreased by at least 30% during the same period compared to the same period in 2019. period, the state can cover up to 10 million. EUR (previously foreseen threshold was EUR 3 million) fixed costs, which are not covered by the income of these companies. The amount of state aid to be granted is calculated by economic entity.

The EC also envisaged allowing Member States December 31st to convert reimbursable measures granted under the provisional communication (e.g. guarantees, loans, repayable advances) into other forms of aid, provided that the conditions of the provisional program are met and the maximum aid limits are not exceeded.

We remind you that in 2020. March 19 The provisional communication adopted in 2021 was to expire in 2021. June 30, except for the recapitalization measures that could be applied until 2021. September 30
