V.Matijošaitis – after a remote meeting with I.Šimonyte: “We heard a word about Kaunas from the Prime Minister – ‘impressive’


After almost an hour of work and at the same time a cognitive business conversation, V. Matijošaitis told the media why this remote meeting was organized, what issues were discussed.

See V. Matijošaitis’s comment after the meeting here:

During the meeting with I. Šimonyte, the Mayor of Kaunas presented the main works, major projects in the temporary capital, discussed the COVID-19 situation in Kaunas and expressed some problematic issues related to the current laws.

According to Deputy Mayor Andrius Palionis, who also participated in the conversation, the meeting took place at the initiative of the Prime Minister. The conversation was more cognitive. Some issues of the legal framework were discussed.

“We touched on the subject of the property tax base. Currently, according to current legislation, abandoned and unsupervised buildings can only be encouraged to be managed with or without a property tax increase. This is the only tool available. We apply the Byzantine principle in the form of taxes in Kaunas and it works.We also have a heritage protection program: we contribute to the management of facades.

However, we have a delicate problem with the unfinished construction, skeletons of buildings standing in the city. Incentives to manage are invalid. We cannot force the owners of such ruins to complete construction or decide the fate of that building differently. For example, we have a “ghost” near the Jurbarkas ring, and there is a large white brick “ghost” between the bus and rail stations, “said A. Palionis.

Another problem discussed with the Prime Minister is related to forests in the urban area. Here is a part of the Kleboniškis forest that belongs to the SFE. Upon receiving requests from residents to install recreational infrastructure, the municipality is ready to invest funds, but cannot do so formally because it does not have the rights of the host. Such forests were expected to become the responsibility of the city, only then could recreational infrastructure be installed.

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Andrius Palionis

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Andrius Palionis

“The Panemunė forest could be an example. It is neat, close to many parking spaces. Illuminated, safe. Silas is always full of people. We want all the forests of the city to look like this,” expected V. Matijošaitis.

He assured that he had not submitted any request to the Prime Minister, “he did not seek anything, he did not burden his head with Kaunas’ concerns”, because me.

“During the meeting, we introduced ourselves further to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister looked in surprise at all the projects we started. He said one word: ‘impressive’. Once again, we will ask the Prime Minister for a property tax on those unfinished constructions . The house has been built for thirty years and the skeleton alone, at the beginning of the Raudondvaris road, where it is. It has a building permit, it is taken away just so that you do not have to pay the property tax. today it looks like Laisv Alley ”, said the mayor of Kaunas.

Kaunas City Municipality Photo / Renovated Building in Laisvės Alley

Kaunas City Municipality Photo / Renovated Building in Laisvės Alley

When asked if the possible connection of the Kaunas district with Kaunas had been discussed with the Prime Minister, V. Matijošaitis assured that there was no such speech. The mayor of Kaunas said that he often communicated with the mayor of the Kaunas district, Valerijus Makūnas, and agreed that at some point in the distant future, “something will happen differently than it is now.”

“This is not my work plan for me, this council, nor for Makūnas or his advice today. We often speak with Valerija about joint projects, garbage transportation, construction of heating boilers, road connections,” assured V. Matijošaitis.

The prolonged problem of the 5.4 hectare territory of the Military Hospital in the center of the city, at the corner of Griunvaldo and Gedimino streets, was also discussed. For several years, the municipality has been working to open up this military-owned territory to the city.

“There is only a small hospital building there, and everything else is warehouses or buildings with open roofs,” said the mayor, assuring that the best thing would be to hand over the area to the city in exchange for offering another facility for military use.

The problem was also presented to the Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas, who visited Kaunas the day before. According to the mayor, the military simply does not want to share anything with the townspeople, would move them to change unless the war. According to V. Matijaošaitis, there are many hospitals in Kaunas, so there really is no need for a separate one for the military.

“We see this territory ordered, not as it is today, abandoned, passing many times without knowing if someone is working on it or not,” said A. Palionis.

The Kaunas authorities want to open this territory to citizens after the arrangements and lighting. It could become a cozy square.
