The Council of Experts opposes the universal opening of shops and beauty salons: the Government solves the dilemma


According to Delfi, the board of experts would allow stores to open only if the number of boxes falls below 150 boxes per 100,000. population in 14 days, and beauty salons and other services, when the rate of cases falls below 100. These are significantly lower than today, when the number of cases in the country exceeds 400.

Even after the opening of the stores, experts would suggest applying the requirements to have an entrance from the outside, to limit the flow of buyers, ensuring at least 20 m2. meters per person or serving only one customer at a time.

One of the council members, Inga Ruginienė, president of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, confirmed to Delfi that the council’s decisions are contrary to the ministers announced on Monday after the meeting of the Government Emergency Commission (WESC). On Monday, the resorts were reopened and it was promised to allow the stores with outdoor access to operate in the “next few days” and to reopen the beauty salons with additional security measures and restrictions.

“We met last night and we have already presented our proposals to the Government, which the Government should consider today. As for the merchants, we spoke, there was a vote, we decided that small businesses, with the provision that only one person could be served, could start operations when we had 150 boxes for every 100,000. population indicator (within 14 days) ”, says I. Ruginienė.

Inga Ruginienė

Inga Ruginienė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

By way of comparison, today this figure is still higher than 400 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days.

Meanwhile, beauty salons would travel to the yellow zone, when the epidemiological situation would be even more favorable. Much later. Beauty salons could start operating much later, ”says I. Ruginienė.

She confirms that this is a much more conservative conclusion than after the WESC meeting.

“That was our position last Friday, when we saw for the first time a consolidated table with several proposals, we already said on Friday that they are too dangerous launches, and basically, what the experts themselves say, well nobody wants a third wave. It would also hurt the business. I understand that everyone is tired, but the third wave could break our legs, especially since we are already talking about a new variety in Lithuania. It is also necessary to evaluate it ”, assures I. Ruginienė.

He clarified that beauty salons could start operating when there are 100 cases per 100,000. population, and the proportion of positive COVID-19 tests will not exceed 4%.

“What the Government proposed, what we were looking at, would have opened the large supermarkets, because they talked about the area, as in the fall, they remember, it was that for one person it was 10 m2. meters, is 20 square meters. meters. This proposal, in principle, would also cover large supermarkets. Well, it is too early, even more so because we only see that relief and stabilization below 500 cases in 5 days. In the darkest setting, we only see the light at the end of the tunnel for a few more days, ”says I. Ruginienė.

She compared that there is a third wave of early liberalization in the UK, and we don’t want that in Lithuania.

“Communication is no longer our business. We were also surprised by why it was so communicated on Monday. We sent the alert message last Friday, because for the first time we saw the consolidated table with proposals from various ministries, and the Ministry of Economy and Innovation he offered to relax everything. We immediately said that it would be dangerous and risky to do so. If there were no new varieties, maybe everything would be a little different, but now there is a very high risk factor, which nobody planned when doing the first scenarios A, B , C and D before Christmas ”, says I. Ruginienė.

As early as Monday, the government’s emergency commission planned to ease restrictions on three activities: beauty services, commerce in stores with outdoor access, and ski resort services. The ski resorts are already in operation, and the government will decide the merchants and beauty professionals at Wednesday’s meeting.

These last activities were discussed with experts until Wednesday.

Janulevičius: it is proposed to allow the resumption of activities in individual municipalities

Vidmantas Janulevičius, president of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, also confirmed to Delfi that the expert council agreed on an indicator of 150 cases for the opening of shops and 100 for beauty services, when the number of cases is estimated at 100 thousand. population in 14 days.

However, he stressed that the expert council proposes to allow the resumption of activities in those municipalities where the number of cases is already extremely small.

“The fundamental thing we want to say is that it may not be very easy both for the Government and for the municipalities that there are already municipalities that are already in the green zone. Let’s do the same as in Germany, where I am now. There are “green” lands here, “red” lands, of course, their size may be larger than in Lithuania, but still, the distribution is regional. And if there are autonomous governments that are green today, our proposal was for the autonomous administration to decide for themselves if they are at a lower level, ”says V. Janulevičius.

According to him, there are already municipalities where scenarios “A” and “B” would apply, and individual municipalities administer much better.

“Each self-government must decide for itself, within itself, it is important to maintain immobility between self-governments at the state level,” says V. Janulevičius. According to him, restrictions on movement between municipalities gave the best result in reducing morbidity.

According to him, some municipalities could renew the formation of contacts and open exits.

“In others, unfortunately, we cannot do that, Vilnius has not yet reached 500 cases / 100 thousand. population where we could go from “D” mode to “C” mode, “said a spokesman for the Confederation of Industrialists.

He only doubted that the government could determine in each case in which municipalities which restrictions could be applied; it would be extra weekly work.

Janulevičius Vidmantas

Janulevičius Vidmantas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The quarantine was announced in Lithuania on November 7 and December 16. Tighter restrictions have been introduced. The quarantine was extended last week until the end of February.

On January 30, when morbidity in the country fell to 467 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days, Lithuania went from worst quarantine scenario “D” to scenario “C”; This describes the situation in which the incidence is greater than 100 cases per 100,000 population, but less than 500.

According to the recommendations of the expert group, in this scenario, the trade is possible by limiting the flow of customers and applying special requirements, reducing the risk of infection, and employees must be periodically examined.

In the service sector, the recommendations are the same as in Scenario D, with only remote and contactless services available. Catering establishments could also continue to provide take-out only.

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