Two overpasses for pedestrians were planned on Pilaitė avenue: the most optimal solution to have A lanes


The public of this project, which is named after Pilaitės Ave. de V. Pociūnas a Sietyno / Spaudos str. overhaul, overhaul of the viaduct and construction of two pedestrian overpasses, discussion scheduled for February 17.

The new viaducts are the optimal solution

Antonas Nikitinas, Chief Engineer of Vilnius City Municipality (Chief Advisor to Administration) 15 minutes He stated that in this section – over the existing viaducts – it is necessary to install public transport lanes, connecting them with the existing lanes on Pilait and avenue and thus ensure a faster and more fluid movement of public transport.

Photo of the municipality of Vilnius / Pilaitės ave.  rollback rebuild plans

Photo of the Municipality of Vilnius / Avda. Pilait. rollback rebuild plans

“The most optimal solution proposed by the designers, both in economic terms and in terms of the benefits created, is to install A-lanes at the site of existing roads and organize bicycle and pedestrian traffic with new viaducts.

The new viaducts will ensure a much more comfortable and safe movement of cyclists and pedestrians and will solve the challenge when the previously constructed viaduct was too narrow for current mobility needs by installing the main bicycle connection with the Pilait distrito district, ”he said A. Nikitinas.

It is not yet known how much this reconstruction will cost the city; Until the technical project is prepared, the price is not clear: the idea is currently being publicized and will become clear later when the technical solutions are laid out in detail.

Improve public transport conditions

The project proposals establish that the objective of their elaboration is to improve the traffic conditions of public transport and the transport infrastructure itself.

The buildings are designed within the red lines of the street, on undeveloped land.

“There is an existing viaduct over the Vilnius Western Bypass in the territory of the projected buildings under consideration, which is being reviewed for the solutions of this project”, it is written in the project proposals, where, 5 m wide) already what length of the common pedestrian-bicycle lane (1.9 m wide).

It is planned to design Pilaitės avenue. additional public transport lanes (on both sides) from V.Pociūno street to Sietyno / Spaudos str. and Pilaitės avenue. intersections without extending the existing carriageway, as well as an additional public transport lane (on one side) of Laisvės ave. to Spaudos st. also without widening the current road.

Currently, the A lanes are not only on the viaduct over the bypass, but two additional public transport lanes are planned to be installed, and an overpass for pedestrians is planned to be built in both directions.

The traffic lanes themselves must be reduced to 3.25 m wide.

Photo of the municipality of Vilnius / Pilaitės ave.  rollback rebuild plans

Photo of the Municipality of Vilnius / Avda. Pilait. rollback rebuild plans

Bike paths will change

There will also be innovations for cyclists: “The bike lanes are installed on the existing viaduct over the Western Bypass. By increasing the number of traffic lanes on the existing viaduct through design solutions, the cycle path in the Centras-Pilaitė direction is left on the automobile viaduct (due to its wider construction). The bicycle lane in the direction of Pilaitė-Centras will be erected and planned in a new viaduct for pedestrians and bicycles. The cycle lane projected in the new viaduct for pedestrians and bicycles will be connected to the existing cycle route on the ground ”.

The new viaducts should be seen as part of the current brochure.

“The main architectural idea of ​​the new viaducts is to integrate into the existing viaduct style. The supporting metal structures of the new viaducts are covered with perforated sheets of hot-dip galvanized metal, railings of hot-dip galvanized steel profiles.

The upper surface of the viaducts is polymeric on metallic structures, its color is combined with the color of the bike lane. Viaduct lighting is provided between the viaduct structures. The angle of incidence of the light is determined in such a way that it does not dazzle the cars that circulate at the bottom ”, indicate the project proposals.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Traffic on Pilaitė avenue

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Traffic on Pilaitė avenue

Build an underground passage

Works are also currently underway on Pilaitė avenue.

Therefore, there are drawbacks for drivers driving in the direction of Pilaitė.

The Municipality of Vilnius announced in early January that from the 12th, due to the installation of the underground pedestrian crossing, Pilaitės Avenue. and V.Pociūno str. At the intersection, the roadway has temporarily narrowed, left turns from / to V.Pociūno Street are prohibited.

“Drivers traveling from Sudervė are asked to choose another route through Avižieniai. Also, the route of bus route 32 in the direction of Žvėrynas is changed. Buses, driving towards Žvėrynas from V.Pociūno street, turn onto the Avenida Pilaitė in the direction of Pilaitė and after taking a turn, drive again towards Žvėrynas. 32 buses, in the direction of Žvėrynas, also stop at the Pilaitė stop towards Pilaitė.

It is expected that temporary changes in traffic and public transport during the works will be valid until August of this year, ”the municipal report reads.

These underground passages were necessary due to the already built Vilnius Outlet shopping center.

The center is not yet finished and is not operational.

However, in the future it will not be the only object in this part of Pilaitė avenue, next to it a Senukai store is planned to be installed in the building materials retail chain.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Pilaitės Ave. an underground pedestrian crossing is being built

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Pilaitės Ave. an underground pedestrian crossing is being built

It has also been announced that the real estate investment management company Capital Mill has completed the design work and obtained a building permit for the construction of the UNUM business center.

This complex will also be built alongside the Vilnius Outlet, construction is expected to begin in the first quarter of this year and finish next fall.
