Efforts are being made to remove Kęstas Komskis from the Pagėgiai Council


The procedure to revoke the mandate against K. Komskis is a direct result of the Siena journalistic investigation. For his part, the politician claims that he is being treated for his active activities in opposition to the Pagėgiai Council.

It equals the breaking of an oath

Edgaras Kuturys, Deputy Mayor of Pagėgiai, reported on the proceedings against K. Komskis.

“January 28. a majority of the council – 11 of the seventeen members – signed a motion proposing to initiate the procedure to revoke the mandate of the council member. At the next meeting we approve the commission and the investigation begins ”, said E. Kuturys.

Edgaras Kuturys (Photo of the municipality of Pagėgiai)

Edgaras Kuturys (Photo of the municipality of Pagėgiai)

Members of the Pagėgiai Council seek to overturn K. Komskis’s mandate due to systematic violations of the law. The Chief Ethics Commission recognized that K. Komskis had confused his interests while working on the Pagėgiai Council and running the Kalibrus company, driven by Pagėgiai’s budget. The ethics guards also suggested that the Pagėgiai municipality cancel the Kalibrus transactions or “take preventive measures”.

According to E. Kuturis, it is precisely because of the decisions of the COEC that the objective is to abolish the mandate of K. Komskis. After all, in less than a year, a politician has been recognized twice for violating the Law on the Reconciliation of Public and Private Interests.

“If two infractions are committed in a year, it counts as a serious infraction,” explained the deputy mayor.

According to him, if the Pagėgiai Council decides to initiate the cancellation of K. Komskis’s mandate, the decision will have to be made by a court.

According to the members of the Pagėgiai Council who initiated the abolition of the mandate, K. Komskis’s actions amount to breaking the oath.

K. Komskis: this is a confrontation

Komski himself claims that such a council decision is nothing more than an “unconditional political agreement” and an attempt to “get rid of the leader of the opposition.”

“I am the most critical of all the actions of the office, where many mistakes have been made, schools are being destroyed, those that are profitable, large (…) and many options that today are excessive and are politically motivated. Only if one person works from the opposition, it is necessary to deal with him, throw him away, “K. Komskis told” Sienai “.

Although the decision of the council members to initiate the removal of K. Komskis was made due to the confusion of public and private interests, the politician denies such connections, which is only a formality.

“I can safely say: the businesses and the municipality, we have nothing in common. (…) Contracts have been signed, which, well, I can say, is a good thing for the municipality. (…) I think is formal. If we look at Lithuania, then in any municipality council members do the same, sign everything. Whether I will sign or an employee who will report to me will not fundamentally change. This is just a formal violation. Of course, if I had known that this could not be done, it certainly would not have been done, ”explained K. Komskis.

Efforts are being made to remove Kęstas Komskis from the Pagėgiai Council

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

The COEC decision establishes that K. Komskis “represented UAB Kalibrus in the municipal administration of Pagėgiai thirteen times”.

For the father and son: suspicions and confiscation of property.

The COEC made unfavorable decisions for K. Komskis based on the journalistic investigation of “Sienos” and his associates. Law enforcement is also not lagging behind ethical guardians.

First, a pre-trial investigation was launched into the bankruptcy of Agrolira, a company owned by the Komskiai family. The investigation began after the publications of Siena and Tauragės kurjeris about the collapse of this company and the change of its shareholders on the eve of bankruptcy. Siena also explained that Agrolira declared bankruptcy immediately after the court decision that awarded the company solid compensation to the relatives of Vilnius residents who died in an accident caused by a company employee.

Later, Siena explained the success story of K. Komskis’s new business: the Kalibrus company, which was acquired before the Agrolira crisis. Interested in the bids of the Pag Pagiai municipality won by Kalibrus, it became clear that K. Komskis’s company presented the municipality with documents that did not correspond to reality, showing the alleged work carried out in the Lentvaris mansion belonging to Ugnis Kiguolis. It turned out that K. Komskis workers never worked in this mansion.

E. Kuturys submitted a request to the police regarding the latest episode. A pre-trial investigation has been launched into a possible falsification of documents. The two pre-trial investigations were later merged into one.

K. Komskis and his son, former director of Agrolira Algirdas Komskis, have been charged with criminal bankruptcy and waste of assets. The Attorney General’s Office recently confirmed that the assets of the father and son Komskiai had also been seized and that the two suspects were taken into custody, a written commitment not to leave.
