The doves of peace deserved bonuses –


The list of candidates grows

The Nobel Prize, at the request of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, has been awarded since 1901. The annual award ceremony takes place on the anniversary of Nobel’s death on December 10. All award categories are presented at Stockholm City Hall in Sweden. And the Peace Prize, which has received special attention and controversial nominees, is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

Last year, Norwegian MP Christian Tybring-Gjedde proposed awarding the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize to former US leader Donald Trump. Geir Toskedal, a spokesman for the opposition Christian Democratic Party, soon said that he had nominated Belarusian opposition leaders Sviatlan Cichanouskaya, Mary Kalesnikava and Veranik Capkal for the award.

This year, another Norwegian MP, Petter Eide, nominated the Black Lives Matter movement as a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. left. k.).

BNS announced that the head of our country, Gitan Nauseda, had nominated S. Chichanouskaya, president-elect of Belarus, for the weekend’s award. Also eligible for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize are Alexei Navaln, who is detained in Russia, the World Health Organization and Greta Thunberg, a climate change activist who did not receive the award last year.

In 2020, the World Food Program received the Nobel Peace Prize. He was praised for “fighting hunger, improving the living conditions of people in conflict zones and preventing food shortages from turning into war.”

Maybe they know what they are doing?

Journalist, collector Vilius Kavaliauskas the current list of candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize tended to be viewed philosophically.

Black Lives Matter has become an influential organization, so it is no surprise that it has been nominated.

I would not take the women of the Belarusian opposition because I do not know them personally, I have lost communication, so I may not know the merits for which they were offered, but judging by personal prism, there are many doubts “said the journalist .

Comparing A. Navalns detained in Russia and S. Cichanouskaja, who arrived in Lithuania, he drew attention to an essential difference.

“Navaln, although he knew he would be arrested, returned to Russia. For him, as for many like him, the fight for democracy and freedom is a sacrifice and he has done it. And what did S. Cichanouskaya sacrifice for freedom?

I interacted with the leaders of the Belarusian opposition at the end of the last century. They had thoughts, visions, and withdrew only when they failed to materialize. By the way, our country also contributed to its failure. In my opinion, when Belarusians started building monuments to the former rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania or perpetuating our common past, it was an obvious sign that they were trying to separate from Russia and move closer to the West. And instead of approaching them at that time, we attacked that they were trying to appropriate the great past of Lithuania and prevented democratic changes in Belarus ourselves, said V. Kavaliauskas the nuances. – You will not change the past, but I still did not understand what S. Chichanouskaya’s goals are today. What are your aspirations and what is your vision for the future of Belarus? Because now it seems strange when the fight for the freedom of one country takes place on the territory of another state.

Unless she, like former US President Barack Obama, is considering an advance on the award.

“Let’s say that the leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, will one day leave office. But this is not likely to happen because of the efforts of the opposition, but because of Russian policy. So it would turn out that the bonus can be awarded in advance to Vladimir Putin? “Asked V. Kavaliauskas.

During the weekend, the news appeared that S. Chausousa will receive the Peace Prize from our G. Nausėda. How to evaluate such a step?

“As for our president’s position, it is also not civic in relation to Lithuanian citizens. Actually, the ‘president-elect’ is a burden for Lithuania, for which we have already paid Druskininkai and Klaipeda.

If she had served her people in this way, maybe Belarusians could take her back and nominate her? And we, if there was still time, would have nominated the leaders of the current ruling parties for the Nobel Peace Prize. What makes our women worse than the Belarusian opposition? “- summed up V. Kavaliauskas.

Just don’t give Tramp a bonus

Signatory of the Act of Restoration of Independence and former head of the Ministry of National Defense Audrius Butkevičius He recalled that the Peace Prize has always been politicized.

“It has nothing to do with peace, common sense or the Nobel Prize. Suffice it to recall laureates like former USSR leader Mikhail Gorbachev or Obama, who received the award when he took office. In fact, this award can be ignored. , because it is reminiscent of the Lithuanian “golden onions” It is a way of convincing some and kissing the back of others.

How else would we view our leader’s nomination for a woman who did not even participate in the events surrounding the change of government in her own country? When M. Kolesnikova took to the streets, S.Cichanouskaja quietly smoked in Lithuania and has so far not returned to his well-protected compatriots “, – the signatory did not skimp on criticism.

Why not for the Lithuanian gypsies?

When evaluating the candidacy of Black Lives Matter, A. Butkevičius emphasized that it was also possible to nominate Lithuanian gypsies.

“It just came to our attention then. If Black Lives Matter tries to manipulate the issue of slavery, it is worth remembering that the first slaves in America were the disbelieving Irish of the British crowns and the enslaved and nearly exterminated locals,” the politician warned. .

And what does the World Health Organization have to do with peace? Wandering around for a long time, watching the new virus spread at an alarming rate in the world? According to A. Butkevičius, nothing.

“It is this organization that we should be grateful for for not providing timely information on the threats and problems posed by the virus in China. The WHO, ignoring the rest of the world, tried to convince its ideological friends in that way,” he noted A. Butkevičius.

However, the signer was very pleased with the candidacy of climate activist G. Tunberg.

“So far, the most serious candidate would be named. The fact that the nominee does not know that” green “energy is used to produce more resources than” green “is nothing of the kind. After all, she did not manage to finish. high school, so she was able to return to it after receiving the award, so I think she should become the laureate, ”the signer laughed.

And there is no way that former American leader Tramp can receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

“During his tenure, Tramp stopped the war in the Middle East and got along well in Syria and Iran. In doing so, he increased NATO’s budget, helping to strengthen world peace processes. According to the recent tradition of awarding the award , he has done too much, so he cannot be awarded, he said. A.Butkevičius. – Rewarding Trump would be like giving a Peace Prize to Uighur rights activists in China or to participants in events in Tiananmen Square. The committee would then show that it has a ‘backbone’, but I would be surprised if that happened. “
