The chairman of the Lithuanian Airports Board Šliupas resigned


“It just came to our notice then. Let’s leave it as it is, it’s my decision,” he told BNS on Monday.

The Minister of Transport and Communications, Marius Skuodis, says that the boards of directors of state-owned companies should be transparent and the reputation of their members should not be questioned.

“Since the first days of working in this ministry, I have been talking about the need for state-owned companies to have strong and transparent boards of directors. Top priority: trust, reputation, there should not only be a private conflict of interest, but also its visibility These principles should also be applied in the selection of boards, ”said M. Skuodis in a comment sent to BNS.

On his LinkedIn account, A. Šliupas writes that he has presented a statement to the minister and does not want to be an obstacle.

“I admit that the decision is difficult, because I have been working in the logistics and aviation sector in Lithuania and internationally for more than 20 years (…). However, I always support the good work of the state, so I do not want and I will not be an obstacle, “he said.

He stressed that the challenges facing the aviation sector must be addressed in the here and now, and that the challenges are more than real opportunities.

“For example: what is the development policy of Lithuanian airports, when in 2017 the implementation of the long-term development strategy of three airports using the concession model was rejected,” writes A. Šliupas.

In his Linkedin account, A. Šliupas also criticized the media: “It is a shame to admit that we live in a state where universal justice is not administered by the courts, but by the media (…). She can plead guilty to one of us, even without evidence, but only on the basis of assumptions and interpretations of events, presenting everything with a “possibly …”, “probable …” disclaimer, which will deny that. . … “and etc. This is how the experience of several decades in one of the most competitive areas is faced in the face of biased (())? Interpretation – unfortunately, experience loses”.

In May last year, the news portal wrote that A. Šliupas, manager of the Kaunas airport, had signed a lease for state land, which could be detrimental to the state, 12 years ago. Lithuanian airports are trying to cancel the transaction through a court and demolish the buildings on the site.

According to the portal, in 2008 the then Kaunas Airport leased state land without auction to the Aviation Services Center (APCargo) of the cargo transport and storage group Hoptrans. Hoptrans had received 2 million. order of the Ministry of Transport to transport medical protective equipment from China.

The fact that the land was transferred to a private company without auction was not clarified by Lithuanian airports only ten years after the contract was signed. For this reason, in 2018, the company initiated a dispute before the courts for the annulment of the contracts, which has not yet been finalized.

A. Šliupas himself told that he had signed the agreement in accordance with the laws of that time, and that he does not see any conflict of interest.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications informed BNS that a new Board member will be sought in the near future and that the President will be elected by the Board from among the remaining Board members immediately after the resignation of A. Šliupas.

A. Šliupas was appointed director of the board of directors of the Lithuanian airports of the company’s three main airports in March last year and began work at the end of April. He was appointed by the then Minister of Transport and Communications Jaroslav Narkevičius.

A. Šliupas was appointed to the board with two other independent members: Egle Čiužaite, Board Member of Vilnius Heating Networks and Public Institution Jaunimo Linija, Business Consultant Egle Čiužaite, Director of Shift4 Payments Lithuania, Chairman of the Board of the Chamber Americana of Commerce in Lithuania and Tadas Arvydas Vizgirda, honorary president of Save the Children.
