When COVID-19 was established for both parents, the tension in the nursery attended by the offspring


An extraordinary situation in the Jonava district. COVID-19 has been prescribed for the parents of a minor, and responses to the child’s tests are still pending. The boy attended a preschool, so there is tension about whether or not he will become a hotbed of the virus.

Yesterday, the municipality of Jonava district, based on data provided by the Jonava branch of the National Center for Public Health, announced that two cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed in the district.

Coronaviruses are reported to have been detected in family members born in 1980 and 1983.

The municipality revealed that Jonaviškis had possibly been infected by a sick relative in the Širvintos district, with whom he had contact on May 30.

Another case of COVID-19 is reported to have been confirmed for a Kaunas resident who had contact with a sick Jonavis site, both working for a company in Jonava.

According to preliminary data, a total of 40 people (co-workers and family members), one of whom is a health professional (dentist), had close contact with COVID-19 approved people in Jonava.

The epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 continues with other possible contacts.

Concerned parents

Parents of children attending Jonava kindergarten “Lakštingalėlė” approached the editorial office, concerned about the situation. The descendants of the Jonaviškis mentioned above, who were diagnosed with coronaviruses, also visited this educational institution.

The director of kindergarten, Jolanta Bieliauskienė, told the portal kauno.diena.lt that it was not her but the kindergarten health professional who commented on all the questions about the coronavirus and indicated her contacts.

Kindergarten works the way it worked.

Viktorija Gaižauskienė, a health care specialist from the Public Health Office of the Municipality of the Jonava District, confirmed to the portal kauno.diena.lt that such a situation has arisen, but assured that there is no need for the community to panic.

“Coronavirus has not been identified in a child. Awaiting the results of the survey. He no longer attends kindergarten,” said the specialist.

According to the interlocutor, the minor, like his parents, did not have any symptoms of COVID-19.

Due to the knowledge that the virus was detected in the boy’s parents, according to V. Gaižauskienė, it did not change the kindergarten routine in any way. “The kindergarten works as it did,” said the specialist. The results of the child’s examination are simply expected and will continue to follow the instructions of the National Center for Public Health.

“It just came to our attention then. The educational institution has always guaranteed the minimum safety requirements and applies all the recommendations of the emergency manager. The kindergarten is well prepared, the temperature for the kindergarten community was measured and He measured, the groups are isolated, the entrances separate, the group educators and the children had no contact with each other, no common rooms were used, “explained the specialist.

We remind you that in Lithuania, according to Tuesday’s data, 1,727 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed. 308 people still have an infectious disease and 1,338 have recovered.

72 people died from COVID-19, and nine more died from other causes.
