Possible changes: in some municipalities, the quarantine could be launched next week


The mayor of the Jurbarkas district said that the quarantine could be released next week in those municipalities of the country where morbidity is record. It would be like a pilot project to test the release of quarantine measures.

The quarantine could be launched in some municipalities as of next week

Jurbarkas Mayor Skirmantas Mockevičius stated on the radio news show “Question of the Day” that after loudly offering to release quarantine in specific municipalities in the country last week, he simply spoke what many thought.

“It just came to our attention then. It was fun to hear that Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė confirmed that the same thoughts were in the Government, in the Council of Experts. We observe the situation, we see what is happening with us, in the world. We understand that there is nothing to think about at the zero point, we need to move to the next stage of life, when we will have to live in different conditions, but it will not be easy, “he said in the program.

Jurbarkas district mayor S. Mockevičius said he hoped residents understood the risks of release from quarantine.

“I hope people understand the situation. The most difficult situation is small business. The speed of recovery after a pandemic, that movement is different, it will stand out even more. There are two Lithuanians, it already is. A life has developed different economic, so it should open before the big cities, it is inevitable. I hope that the residents understand that it is better to suffer the limitations for a longer time, but live a more normal life, “said the interlocutor of the program.

The mayor of Jurbarkas district stated that the situation will be closely monitored and it is planned to expand testing capacities.

He also said that it was hoped that houses of worship could be opened in the municipality.

“We are receiving a very specific response from the Prime Minister in the sense that this proposal is supported. (…) We will gather the legal aspects this week. It is expected that at the beginning of next week we will begin the liberation steps of several municipalities,” he said. S. Mockevičius.

Possible changes: in some municipalities, the quarantine could be launched next week

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Contacts are a viral dream

VU professor biochemist Daumantas Matulis stated on the show that the risk of any release must be weighed.

“The risk always remains, the greater the number of contacts, the greater the risk. If the one-hour procedure, if the masks are not used correctly, the risk is high.” Every contact is a viral dream. We have to trust that the specialists will better calculate the time, the square meters, when it is too risky, when it is possible to make some layoffs ”, he said at the fair.

Interviewer D. Matulis emphasized that how residents will comply with the new requirements is also of special importance.

Listeners of the day were outraged by the need for movement restrictions. D. Matulis asked for a little more suffering.

“I understand from a human point of view, you are angry. But you know, we have a huge amount of sacrifices to accept. We need to protect the elderly, but they don’t just die.” Let’s put up with it, nothing will happen in a few months, “he urged.

VU professor biochemist D. Matulis said people would be more affected if the freely released quarantine was re-adjusted.

“It would be even more demoralizing: if we open too early, we may have to close again,” the VU professor told the “Question of the Day” news radio show.

The discovery of the British variety in Lithuania was not surprising

Professor Aurelija Žvirblienė from Vilnius University (VU) stated that so far only the release of mild quarantine conditions is being discussed.

“So far, I understand, there is no consideration of a wider opening. Because it would be risky. But opening those ski resorts is not the most risky here,” said the interlocutor on the program.

On Monday, it was announced that the first case of a coronavirus strain detected in the UK had been confirmed in Lithuania. According to A. Žvirblienė, this was only a matter of time.

“I was not surprised, it was a matter of time before they found him in Lithuania. Of course, the borders were not closed, it was found in many countries around. It would be surprising if Lithuania was a kind of island, ”he said.

The professor also said on the show that people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus now make no sense, they have been resistant to the virus for some time, which is what is being sought.

“It just came to our knowledge then. That there is no point in vaccinating those who are sick and currently have antibodies. Our goal is to build herd immunity as soon as possible. Being sick also contributes to this. All resistant people stop the spread of the virus. I think those decisions are correct and timely, “said A. Žvirblienė on the radio news program.

The adviser to the Minister of Health, Simona Bieliūnienė, told the program that rapid antibody tests are expected in the second half of February. About 300 thousand. Quick tests should help test specific groups more quickly, especially when it comes to pitches.
