TOP jobs in Lithuania in 2021: more specialties may be in danger than are being created


According to PEF data in 2020, the average unemployment in the world reached 12% and even 55%. Countries in response to the virus threat were forced to close or restrict entire areas of business during the pandemic. Following these cardinal changes in the labor market, the list of the most promising specialties was adjusted.

The perspectives of these professionals are excellent

According to data from personnel selection specialists, after the announcement of the quarantine in Lithuania, the total need for specialists in the market fell by a third (32%), but after almost a year of fighting the pandemic, you can see trends that do not always coincide with the global ones. Certain changes and trends in the world labor market will arrive in Lithuania late.

PEF announces that in the coming years the most promising jobs will be in the following areas:

  • Data science and analysis;
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning;
  • The big data;
  • Strategy and digital marketing;
  • Process automation.

“When evaluating the PEF list and comparing it with our market, the trends are basically the same, but we have to admit that the rise of listed specialists in Lithuania is expected a little later, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence or big data. However, the competition in these areas is already fierce, because there are simply too few specialists, ”says Vytenis Šidlauskas, partner at the recruitment company Alliance for Recruitment, in a press release.

It is noted that when talking about the trends of the Lithuanian labor market, one should not forget about IT specialists – software developers, engineers, architects. Their need will continue to grow, specialists will remain unequivocally in the top 5, only to a small extent will they be transformed: fewer and fewer full engineers will be sought, and more attention will be paid to specific specializations.

According to Mindaugas Šestilas, Personnel Manager of the Competence Center of Telia Global Services Lithuania, as the popularity of the IT field, especially programming, in society gradually declines, these specialists will continue to be in demand. In this center of excellence alone, it is planned to strengthen at least 100 of these specialists in various software development teams in the coming years.

Meanwhile, Lithuania will not yet feel the need for specialists in other more attractive activity areas listed in the PEF. Although progress is also very clear in the field of automation, sooner or later each operating team begins to optimize its processes and robots do monotonous work to perfection. Although areas such as machine learning, augmented reality, artificial intelligence will really expand rapidly and become popular on a global scale in the next 3-5 years, they will remain niches in Lithuania for the time being, ”says M. Šestilo .

Lithuania has its own details

The PEF also identifies a number of areas where global labor demand is expected to gradually decline in the near future. This is:

  • Data entry;
  • Office administration, management assistance;
  • Accounting, bookkeeping, payroll;
  • Auditing;
  • Assembly and factory workers.

Often this does not mean that these professions will disappear completely, but they will change dramatically, and this will be greatly influenced by automation, robotics, and other processes that already exist to streamline and optimize operations.

Furthermore, experts unanimously agree that although the PEF places accounting third on the list of endangered specialties, this area is seeing a rebound in Lithuania. In recent years, many famous international employers in this field have been established in Lithuania, so the demand will only grow.

“New investors, especially in the service center market, start their activities by forming operational teams, so it is natural that accounting, maintenance of accounts payable or receivable, bookkeeping and similar services are the first to start. transfer to Lithuania. However, the examples of success show that these companies have the potential to grow and become multifunctional centers, creating solutions and assembling teams in the TOP specialties already discussed: software development, robotics or even the Internet of things ”, says the director of Human Resources of Telia. Global services Lithuania.

It also has the support of V. Šidlauskas, who also draws attention to multilingualism in this field: English has already become commonplace in accounting, but with the arrival of new actors, the need for specialists in various EU, Scandinavian or even Far Eastern languages. Is growing.

PEF predicts that 2021 will be the first year in which the changes in the specialties will be so radical that the number of specialties in danger will exceed the newly created ones, so that the renewal of skills and new skills will become the foundation of a career successful. “In a world in constant change, where in the next 5 years we will only need up to 40-50 percent. With the skills we are using now, lifelong learning is not becoming a distant reality, but in our daily routine” , says M. Šestilo.

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