Hairdressers receive requests from clients to work illegally: reports of irregularities received but difficult to prove


I got a warning

Aušra Vitkuvienė, director and stylist of the well-known beauty salon Panevėžys, has been working according to the country’s authorities for two months. The businesswoman has discontinued all live beauty services and earns income from such activities unless she is making the now popular hair dye cocktails. He spends his free time on distance education and room repair.

But more recently, the famous stylist became the center of attention of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) and only received a fine for a haircut at her salon.

“When restrictions were placed on beauty services, I immediately canceled all orders. I once took my relatives to the living room to cut. During my employment, her hair was considerably shed. Someone saw through the windows that a lichen was being photographed and the Public Health Center was informed. I had to explain, ”says the stylist.

A. Vitkuvienė received a warning about groomed hairstyles. Now the hairdresser only takes care of the beauty of the family members at home, he no longer risks taking them to the salon.

The work was moved underground

According to A. Vitkuvienė, the quarantine time is very complicated both psychologically and due to uncertain commercial prospects. She says she’s already seeing the beauty industry change dramatically – young artisans are launching that craft, and clients are getting used to naturalness and learning to take care of their own appearance.

“There are colleagues who are already leaving the beauty services sector. People see what is happening: if there were few clients before the quarantine, after that, it is likely that there will be even fewer orders, ”estimates the stylist.

A. Vitkuvienė does not hide that he receives requests for illegal help, but does not agree to violate the quarantine requirements. However, according to your knowledge, there are beauty specialists in Panevėžys who secretly agree to cut and paint, somewhere in the apartments.

“We hear that they are doing a lot on the metro for 5-8 euros. These clandestine activities are taking place, I think, not even because of poverty.” People just don’t adapt to the current situation, they feel stronger than the disease, “thinks Aušra.

A fixed allowance of € 260 is paid to beauty agents during quarantine. However, such money, according to A. Vitkuvienė, only shows what kind of business is unsafe, even honestly paying taxes to the state.

The virus touched me personally

Aušra Zdažinskaitė, a hairdresser working in Panevėžys, has also lived with state support since December.

“Write how difficult it is to live with 260 euros when you are young. Why doesn’t anyone demand more money, because we pay taxes and earn more than benefits, ”says a Panevėžys resident who has been working in this profession for three years.

Aušra does not hide that she is already thinking of changing careers. But working secretly in hiding ensures by no means going. The hairdresser herself suffered a loss in her immediate environment due to COVID-19.

“I heard that now there are many hairdressers working with their clients. Such speeches go by word of mouth. I don’t really take that risk, health is the most important thing to me. I myself buried my grandfather, who had coronavirus. My grandmother and my sister were also seriously ill, ”says A. Zdažinskaitė.

Dawn is now trying to participate in other permitted activities remotely. She distributes cosmetics and advises former clients on independent beauty treatments.

“I think we will not have as much work as when we went back to the hairdresser. People will no longer spend as much money on beauty treatments, and we will still have to pay rent and taxes,” said the hairdresser, who is in a difficult situation and You are already seeing that women increasingly enjoy forced naturalness.

Looking for employees

Audrius Pocius, the owner of the beard salon, is not going to drop his hands. He posted an online ad looking for new hires. It is promised that they will be accepted at the end of the quarantine restrictions.

This businessman did not succeed twice: the quarantine closed not only beauty services, but also cafes and bars in his city. According to A. Pocius, the latter will not be good for a long time, even if the restrictions are removed: if the beards do not stop growing, people will not bond for a long time.

The businessman did not want to talk about his colleagues who work underground: smuggling, illegal activities, according to him, have always been and will be. But clients, according to A. Pocius, do not always want to understand that beauty services are not provided only for them, but because of strict quarantine restrictions. It still happens that people call the beard groomer and ask for help.

“We do not provide any services now, we are on vacation and we hope for a better time. But if there were a third quarantine, I don’t know if we would hold out ”, admits A. Pocius.

It’s hard to prove

The Panevėžys Department of the National Center for Public Health has received two complaints about illegally employed beauty professionals since the end of November. Both complaints could not be verified by the controllers.

“We have received information that certain beauty salons in the city serve VIP clients on weekends. We reacted immediately, we went to see several times, we continued, but we did not find anything, ”said Vida Vyčienė, Head of the Department’s Public Health Safety Control Division.

According to the specialist, in such transactions both parties are guilty: both the master of beauty and his client.

“Now come out with a new hairstyle, manicure, it’s really a shame. Nobody says there is no work underground, but it is also wrong to go there, after all, we put everyone’s health at risk. Someone is protecting, suffering, and someone is scratching all that work just for the appearance, ”resents V. Vyčienė.

She says she would like to look like she just left the salon now, but works remotely and is content with messy hair and no manicured nails. According to V. Vyčienė, the specialists of this service visit the city every day and observe the hairdressers and beauty salons.

It goes without saying, in the host’s opinion, that illegal services are provided in secret: behind closed doors, in apartments, in less visible places and only with loyal customers. However, before the quarantine, the specialist highly praised the representatives of this sector.

“Before the restrictions, we went to all the hairdressers to assess whether they understood the quarantine requirements, the restrictions. The results obtained were very gratifying at the time, there were no misunderstandings, everyone was perfectly prepared, ”says V. Vyčienė, who is now a bit disappointed with these specialists.

Athletes also stalled

Hygienists were also surprised by some sports clubs operating in Panevėžys. NVSC received four complaints about its activities: Information was received that sports activities were taking place in closed hallways. A complaint was confirmed.

“The members of Teniso Liūtas met at the Panevėžio energija facilities and did not follow the rules. An act has been written and a fine awaits them, ”says V. Vyčienė.

The term of such punishment, according to her, is 2 years. It is not possible to do this now due to the quarantine; Violators must be called and questioned, which would also pose a security threat due to the COVID-19 situation. Nerijus Kęstaitis, director of the public institution Tennis Lion, denied Sekunde the information about the quarantine violation. According to him, there is a man who complains about everything, and the athletes have also been arrested.

“We did not harm anything, we did not receive any fine. Now we don’t play sports, and I dedicate my free time at the institution to jobs I didn’t have time for yet: I repair the corridor, ”said N. Kęstaitis.
