Doctors reported on the aftermath of the epidemic: symptoms complicate the lives of those who get sick easily


Family physicians say they are already experiencing shortness of breath, anxiety, or people complaining of fatigue from the slightest tasks.

“There are many different post-Ovid disorders, both physiological and psychological. People are sometimes accompanied by great anxiety after illness, which even turns into panic attacks. There is a lack of self-confidence, an overly sensitive self-control.

Then much more attention is paid to any change in health, the slightest pain, or a slight increase in heart rate. Patients just start to consider their condition too sensitively, ”said Toma Kundrotė, GP.

Illness is of great concern

He added that many things start to bother and reflux, which is again related to the high tension, anxiety experienced during illness.

“In fact, the disease causes a lot of anxiety, because many people die because of it, so some are very scared,” the doctor emphasized.

According to T. Kundrote, it is natural that such anxiety does not help recovery. However, on the other hand, those who become seriously ill really feel the tension, especially if the young, previously healthy, end up directly in the hospital:

“And then you go to bed, you breathe oxygen and you think that whether you get up in the morning or not, you will need to be put on resuscitation or not. And when you’re still lying around this one, this other one gets in a bag, it’s those fears, I’m sure there are many. Think about when you’re next … “

Hospitals in Vilnius

Physical ability gradually returns

The family doctor said that these were young, active, healthy and athletic men who also had to be treated in a hospital setting, who were suffocating and were connected to an oxygen device.

“They are seriously ill, they reciprocate kovidui Characteristic pneumonia after prolonged bed rest. And the condition of those released is far from the same as before the disease, “said the doctor.

According to her, although these people return to work, the X-rays still show “dirty” lungs.

“One of those patients is an officer, who complains that he cannot run long distances, there are all the nuances when there is still no real recovery,” explained T. Kundrotė.

The patient is cured but has no strength.

Jonė Stanislovaitytė, a Vilnius University resident family doctor who works at the Family Medicine Center of the Santara Clinics of the Vilnius University Hospital, said that in clinical practice, patients who have already had a coronavirus infection could go to work, but complain of extreme fatigue and other persistent symptoms.

“It is observed that after COVID-19 infection, patients often retain post-infectious symptoms, in other words, the long-term effects of coronavirus infection, that is, patients are already cured, released from self-isolation, already They do not have the virus in the nasopharynx, but they complain of various symptoms. Usually, they are not life threatening, but they can affect the quality of life and daily activities, “the doctor explained.

According to her, it is already being considered that this could be a major public health problem in the future. J. Stanislovaitytė said that these patients often experience fatigue, prolonged dry cough and muscle weakness.

You may be bothered by a slight increase in body temperature, neurological-psychiatric symptoms such as attention, sleep memory disorders, mood swings, etc.

According to the doctor, it is not entirely clear what can cause this type of ailment. This is believed to be the result of many factors.


It also bothers young people who get sick easily

Post-infectious symptoms lasting more than 3 weeks occur in approximately 10% of patients. Patients with COVID-19 infection. It is true that some people can experience these symptoms for months.

According to J. Stanislovaitytė, the aforementioned residual phenomena occur more frequently and last longer in the case of a severe form of the disease, for example, in cases where hospitalization is required. Older people with chronic illnesses are also at higher risk here, as well as if they have more than 5 typical symptoms during acute illness.

However, young people who are not chronically ill and have been sufficiently ill also complain of post-infectious diseases. “It has been observed that even patients with the mild form of COVID-19 can experience residual effects,” he explained.

Jurga Dūdienė, a GP, has also drawn attention to this: “The sad thing is that this sometimes occurs even in patients without chronic diseases who have a coronavirus infection, even after experiencing only mild symptoms.

Of course, this is more common in the elderly, with chronic illnesses. Recovery from the disease can take from 2 to 4 weeks to several months. But certainly for a smaller proportion of those who have been ill. “


Will do an investigation

At the same time, J. Stanislovaitytė said that in order to identify these post-infectious symptoms, a biomedical study is being prepared at the Family Medicine Center of the Santara Clinics of the Vilnius University Hospital.

“Encourage Associate Prof., Head of the Family Medicine Center of the Vilnius University Hospital Clinicas Santara. Lina Vencevičienė assembled a team of residents. Together, we plan the long-term follow-up of patients with coronavirus infection and the identification of post-infectious symptoms.

Patients will be actively monitored for their respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and mental health. We hope this study provides a better understanding of the impact of coronavirus infection on human health, “he said.

Does healing take a few years?

Although now the main focus is on the COVID-19 infection, J. Stanislovaitytė said that a short recovery of the body, which can take several months or even longer, is also characteristic after other infectious diseases.

“Other acute respiratory infections have been observed to be slow to recover. It is no coincidence that as soon as the pandemic broke out, scientists began investigating the area because they suspected that such an effect of the infection could persist,” he said.

For the portal Clinicas VUL Santara Head of Pulmonology and Allergy Center prof. Edward Danila has also explained that people with severe inflammation are often the most affected by the so-called deviation.

“A person sometimes has severe inflammation, stays in bed for a long time and trains. For example, the experience with SARS suggests that such human recovery can take a year or two in terms of physical condition.

Not only after the flu, the coronavirus, but also after severe “simple” bacterial pneumonia, the risk of thrombosis and respiratory distress syndrome also increases. And it takes the same time to recover, ”he said.

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How to help yourself?

When asked who would help return to normality as soon as possible after COVID-19 infection, J. Stanislovaitytė emphasized that the best conditions must be created for the body to regain strength.

“First of all, we should get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy diet and follow the work-rest regimen. If possible, return to work gradually. You should also try to manage stress, take care of your mental health.

Physical activity is also very important, which must be adapted to the patient’s condition and gradually increased until the patient returns to his normal physical shape. You can start with short walks, ”he said.

The interlocutor added that if the symptoms progress, last a long time or begin to worsen the quality of life, you should contact your GP immediately.
