Electric car compensation is a narrow focus of residents and businesses


With some calls for support coming to an end on February 1, the Environmental Project Management Agency (APVA) appreciates the interest of individuals and companies in these measures and hopes that it will only increase.

According to the latest data from the agency, since April last year, 637 requests have been received from the population for 1.7 million. 5 million euros, although and since October – 68 commercial requests to offset 247 conventional electric cars for 982.5 thousand euros. EUR (2 million EUR million), since December – eight requests for 112 trucks – this amounts to 449 thousand. of the estimated 1.5 million euros. euros.

Entrepreneur: we need to increase support, tidy up the rules

Laurynas Boguševičius, director of the electric car marketing company Deals on Wheels, drew attention to several aspects that need to be improved: the amount of support, the clarity of the rules and the development of the infrastructure.

“The Lithuanian support that there is now is very little. Simple comparison: in Lithuania we offer 4 thousand. Euros for a new car. In Great Britain, when they wanted electric cars to have a greater market share, they offered 10,000. Pounds and now only 3,000 pounds are offered, ”L. Bogševičius told BNS.

In his opinion, there are also incomprehensible provisions in the support rules.

“Leasing and residual value leasing are two very similar things, where the accounting nuances differ substantially, but, for example, one applies support and the other does not. Logic – zero (…) When you buy 20 or 30 cars, and if we calculate that the support for a car is 4 thousand. It is a big difference to have that support or not, ”he said.

The director of the company commented on the possibilities of acquiring an electric car abroad and on the treatment of when a car is considered new. According to L. Boguševičius, it is worth taking care of the charging infrastructure in the country.

“The solution of multi-apartment stops … I have high hopes that Lithuania, like Great Britain, will solve it somehow in a complex way, that some stops will be installed for a certain number of apartments,” said the Director of Offers on Wheels.

APVA: people are actively interested

Representatives from the Environmental Project Management Agency say the planned financial incentives have attracted the interest of residents and businesses. According to them, their popularity is likely to only grow.

According to the agency, both the novelty of the measures and the fact that electric cars are a relatively expensive vehicle must be taken into account.

“Residents are much more active in using financial support to buy cleaner cars than electric cars. Which, in our opinion, is perfectly normal. After all, electric cars are simply a more expensive commodity, infrastructure. in our country it is not yet so well developed. Therefore, residents also submit applications in a reserved manner “, argues the agency.

According to her, the business is also active: after sending invitations to residents, companies have received many inquiries about when they will also be supported.

“So, in short, these are really relevant financial incentives, especially today, when reducing CO2 emissions is one of the priorities for mitigating climate change,” APVA said in a comment.

L. Boguševičius also admits that without support it would be even more difficult to buy electric cars.

“Even support as is still has a positive effect … Without support, many people would not be able to buy it at all,” he said.

According to the agency, the distribution of aid for less polluting cars received 2,731 applications for 2.7 million people. of the 5 million euros allocated for this purpose. euros.

The call for compensation for scooters and bicycles ended in mid-January. 12.35 thousand of the population were received. requests for 11 million. euros. According to the agency, this is “a special record popularity of the APVA measure. Hundreds of calls so far every day. ”

The environment ministry told BNS in January that the measures were paying off.

“We believe that the support will contribute significantly to the growth of the number of electric cars in Lithuania,” he said.

According to Regitra data on January 1, 2,548 electric cars were registered in Lithuania, 1,114 of them last year.
