Vytautas Kasiulevičius: It is more difficult for us to be successful, because our society is neither Swedish nor German


“How to survive until the summer? Test, isolate, trace contacts. That was said at the beginning of the pandemic and it has not changed. Periodic mass testing of students and teachers (even better shots) will open the door to beginner schools. If the parents support him, if the teachers support him, it will allow him to control the situation ”, says V.Kasiulevičius.

According to the professor, it is necessary to find a successful formula for the interaction of the Ministry of Health (SAM) with the National Society Center (NVSC) and the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS (ULAC).

“4 years of experience in discord, paralysis of the institutions instead of tactical epidemiological preventive measures constantly force to take heavy artillery – quarantine. Meanwhile, we are not yet reaching our full potential. Fire fighting has been very slow for almost a year. Not only experts but the public must be aware of the COVID-19 outbreaks, their liquidation, responsibilities and actions. And I don’t know if the separation or even the opposition between public health and personal health care, which is characteristic of Lithuania, is really the right way, ”says V. Kasiulevičius.

He argues that where there is a bad epidemiological situation and there is no other way out, restrictions are needed, but where municipalities are “clearing” critical points, local “opening” can begin. Jurbarkas could really become a good example.

“Nobody knows the correct recipe. Even Swedish epidemiologists are teaching everyone and blaming migrants for the increase in deaths, despite the fact that the share of the latter in the Swedish population is 5 times lower than in Germany. Meanwhile, deaths from COVID-19 in Sweden are almost double than in the German Länder. And the Germans themselves, still avoiding the great waves of COVID-19, are making mistakes and constantly learning from their mistakes. Since the German team is more prone to self-criticism, I think Christian Drosten is a more beloved guest than Anders Tegnell. Maybe because he is not an epidemiologist? How madly it is possible to scale the importance of a specialty in such a situation. One day it may turn out that the most attacked are not necessarily the most unjust, ”says the professor of medicine.

“Despite the huge noise from the public space, all the Lithuanian decisions about what kind of government were taken in sync with Germany. The first quarantine between us and the Germans was effective because both countries did it early, but the November quarantine, which we also copied from the Germans, it was enough only to protect the economy and not to control the jump in new cases. The Germans introduced it earlier according to the number of new diseases, so they avoided the wave, but the Germans realized before this was not enough and we just followed them.

Solo va is more difficult for us because our society is neither Swedish nor German. Oh, and the government with its decisions is not an authority for the people, the honeymoon is short, and all those who are not in power at that time are working in harmony so that they do not stay faster. And no hated “expert” will help here. Unless people are self-aware and understand that any disaster can be overcome with patience and solidarity, “writes V. Kasiulevičius on Facebook.

Last day, 718 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Lithuania, 21 people died and four more died earlier.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 181,734 people, 129,000. 43 people recovered, 47 thousand. 746 – tebeserga.
