A European country has been removed from the updated list of affected countries.


The list of affected countries continues to include countries where mutations have been detected, as well as EU countries marked in red on maps by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Iceland, Guadeloupe, Reunion, and Martinique have been removed from the list of affected countries. In Norway’s case, only Oslo is considered an affected region, says the Health Ministry.

New coronavirus mutations are already being reported in many EU and world countries, but the spread of new coronavirus mutations is a cause for concern in 7 countries around the world: Ireland, Denmark, UK, Netherlands, Brazil, Israel and South Africa.

Persons arriving from affected countries will continue to be required to have a test result performed within 48 hours. prior to arrival, or to carry out an investigation upon arrival in Lithuania. Isolation for 14 days is also mandatory, with the possibility of shortening the isolation on your own after 10 days of the study.

EXCEPTIONS. Exceptions are provided when testing and / or isolation requirements do not apply. It is important to note that the exemption can only be applied in the foreseen cases and when the purpose of the person’s trip is related to the performance of the work functions foreseen in the exemptions or to the provision of essential needs. All persons covered by isolation exemptions must have proof of the anticipated exemption, which will be made available to specialists or officials of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) who verify compliance with isolation requirements upon request.

Even for those persons who are exempted from conducting investigations or isolation, the number of persons with whom communication is required will be limited to 14 days from the date of arrival in the Republic of Lithuania. It is recommended that workers only go to work and home if there is no possibility of working remotely. In communication with other people, the requirement to wear protective equipment that covers the nose and mouth: masks, respirators or other means, as well as maintaining a safe distance and other general measures for the prevention of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

ECDC map released January 28.

ECDC map released January 28.

It should be noted that all persons, crew members and crew members in transit through Lithuania working in companies engaged in international commercial transport or carrying out international commercial transport in all types of vehicles do not need to be isolated or carry out an investigation.

Those who are sick or vaccinated according to the full vaccination schedule also do not need to be examined or isolated if they have a certificate from a medical institution or a vaccination certificate (with translation into Lithuanian, English or Russian) of arrival or vaccination.

For exceptional occupational groups, people who cross the border daily for work, study or study, who arrive for important medical reasons or important family matters (funerals or visits from terminal patients), only a coronavirus test is required. The list of such exceptions is shorter for foreigners from third countries.

DIFFERENT INSULATION CONDITIONS. It is important to note that different isolation conditions persist for those from countries where mutations are prevalent and from other affected countries.

From countries affected by mutations The conditions of isolation are stricter: it is not possible to walk, and it is possible to leave the place of isolation when a person needs urgent medical assistance and therefore goes to a medical institution, as well as to a mobile point. With permission from the National Public Health Center (NVSC), people in isolation can go to funerals or care for terminally ill patients, change the location of isolation, or go to a health care facility for other health care services. People arriving from countries where virus mutations have spread can isolate themselves in a separate apartment or house, on another well-insulated floor of a single apartment or house, or in a separate isolated room with a separate bathroom. Isolation is only possible with people who travel together, except for minors who can live with relatives who do not travel and who have to isolate themselves for the same period.

For those from other affected countries It is possible to walk 1 km, leave the place of isolation without informing or permission of the NVSC according to the established list of reasons. In addition, they can be isolated in the same apartment with non-traveling family members, only in another room, which restricts movement in the home and reduces the sharing of common space.

Photo of Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Empty Vilnius Airport

Photo of Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Empty Vilnius Airport

WHY TIGHTEN THE ENTRY CONDITIONS. Stricter measures have been taken for travelers in light of the latest risk assessment published by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). As the ECDC emphasizes, viruses are constantly changing due to ongoing mutations. Some of them do not play a major role in spreading the virus, but others can make the virus spread faster or cause a more serious form of the disease. Currently, several mutations in the coronavirus that cause COVID-19 are being observed around the world, threatening a higher rate of spread and the consequent deterioration of the epidemiological situation.

Based on the latest information available, the probability of such coronavirus mutations entering and spreading in the EU is considered high or very high. And given the higher rate of spread of the mutated coronavirus infection, this is likely to increase the number of hospital admissions, as well as the number of deaths, especially among those at risk, such as the elderly and those with chronic diseases.

To curb the risk of new coronavirus mutations entering and spreading within countries, along with other non-medical coronavirus prevention measures, ECDC recommends eliminating unnecessary travel and strengthening measures for travelers, including testing and isolation. , especially in areas where there are new mutations of the coronavirus. spread is observed.

The list of affected countries is published every Friday, takes effect on Monday, and is valid for one week.

COVID-19-19 diseases (coronavirus infections) list of affected countries

Eil. Nr.

Country (territory)


EU and EEA countries (based on national / regional data published by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control)


Republic of Austria


The kingdom of Belgium


Republic of Bulgaria


Czech Republic


Republic of Estonia


The kingdom of Spain


Italian Republic


Republic of cyprus


Republic of croatia


Republic of Latvia


Republic of Poland


Principality of Liechtenstein


Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


Republic of Malta


Kingdom of Norway (Oslo only)


Portuguese republic


French Republic




Slovak Republic


Republic of Slovenia


The kingdom of sweden


The Swiss Confederation




Federal Republic of Germany


Countries where the spread of new mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been identified




Federal Republic of Brazil


Kingdom of Denmark


The State of Israel


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


The Kingdom of the Netherlands


Republic of South Africa


other countries

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Republic of Albania

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

American Samoa *

Principality of Andorra

Republic of Angola

Old and bearded

Argentinian republic

Republic of armenia

Aruba *


Republic of Azerbaijan

Commonwealth of the Bahamas

Kingdom of Bahrain

The Republic of Belarus

People’s Republic of Bangladesh



Republic of Benin

Bermuda Islands*

Republic of Guinea – Bissau

Bolivian multinational state

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republic of Botswana

Brunei Darussalam

Burkina Fasas

Republic of Burundi

Kingdom of Bhutan

Central African Republic

Republic of Chad

The Republic of Chile

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Republic of Côte d ‘Ivoire

Republic of Djibouti

Arab Republic of Egypt

Republic of Ecuador

State of Eritrea

Kingdom of Esvatinis

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Republic of the Fiji Islands

Republic of the Philippines

Republic of Gabon

Republic of Guyana

Republic of Gambia

Republic of Ghana

Gibraltar *


Guam *

Republic of Guatemala

Republic of Guinea

Republic of Haiti

Republic of Honduras

Republic of India

Republic of Indonesia

Republic of Iraq

Islamic Republic of Iran



Republic of Yemen

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

United States of America

United Arab Emirates


Cayman Islands

Christmas island

The Kingdom of Cambodia

Republic of Cameroon


State of Qatar

Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kenya

People’s Republic of China

Kyrgyz Republic

Curaçao *

Republic of Colombia

Union of the Comoros

Democratic Republic of Congo

Kongo Respublika

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea

Costa Rica Republic

Republic of Cuba

Cook Islands *

State of Kuwait

Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Kingdom of Lesotho

Republic of lebanon

Republic of Liberia

State of libya

Democratic Republic of Madagascar


Republican Malawi

Republic of Maldives

Republic of mali

Kingdom of Morocco

Republic of the Marshall Islands

Republic of Mauritius

Islamic Republic of Mauritania

United States of Mexico

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Federated States of Micronesia

Republic of Moldova

The Principality of Monaco


Montserrat *

Republic of Mozambique

Republic of Namibia

New Zealand

Republic of Nauru

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Federal Republic of Nigeria

Nigerian Respublika

Nicaragua Republic

Omano Sultanatas

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Palestine *

Republic of Panama

Independent State of Papua New Guinea

Republic of Paraguay

Republic of Peru

Republic of South Sudan

French Polynesia *

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico *

Republic of Equatorial Guinea

Republic of Rwanda

Russian Federation


Solomon Islands

Republic of El Salvador

Independent State of Samoa

Republic of San Marino

Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Republic of Seychelles

Republic of Senegal

Saint Kitts and Nevis

St. Lucia

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Republic of Serbia

Republic of Sierra Leone

Republic of Singapore

Syrian Arab Republic

Federal Republic of Somalia

Republic of Sudan

Republic of Suriname

Republic of North Macedonia

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Holy See (Vatican City State)

Republic of Tajikistan

The Kingdom of Thailand

United Republic of Tanzania

Turks and Caicos Islands *

Togo Respublika

Kingdom of Tonga

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Republic of Tunisia

Republic of Turkey



Republic of Uganda


Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Republic of Uzbekistan

Republic of Vanuatu

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Republic of Zambia

Republic of Zimbabwe

Republic of Cape Verde

* Territories without state status
