The peasants submitted a request to Nausėda, Šimonytė and the Attorney General’s Office regarding Gentvilas


The report claims that concerns about the transparency and legitimacy of the Minister of the Environment arose after yesterday’s meeting of the LVŽS faction with the head of the Department of Environmental Protection, Mr. Olga Vėbriene. During this meeting, O. Vėbrienė indicated that on the second or third business day of the Minister, S. Gentvilas had summoned her to explain why she had provided information to the Prosecutor’s Office on possible illegal actions and requested the Prosecutor’s Office to protect the public . interest in the field of the environment.

“It just came to our knowledge then. That somehow we should find out inside, find out, agree and not take our clothes to be washed in public,” he said in the LVŽS faction.

According to the president of LVŽS R. Karbauskis, such activities of the Minister of the Environment S. Gentvilas can be understood as pressure on state officials, to hide possible illegal actions, not to report them to the police authorities, and accusations of being informed

“How else to understand Gentville’s actions, which are like hiding illegal actions? What incentives does that have? Especially knowing that the party that delegated him has long been trapped in a case of political corruption? It is obvious that it is about non-transparent illegal behavior, all the more so since the prosecution, having received the notification from O. Vėbrienė, has already approached the court to protect the public interest and request the revocation of possible illegal pollution permits issued to a management company of waste. Such a minister cannot continue in office because he represents interests that are truly alien to the environment. His behavior seems opaque to us, “says R. Karbauskis, president of LVŽS.

Therefore, we appeal to the president and the prime minister to evaluate the actions of the Environment Minister S. Gentville and answer if they still trust this minister, as well as if he can be trusted by the public, who are interested in the medium. environment and not the polluter.
The prosecution has also been informed about the incompatible actions of the minister and asked to evaluate them, “said the leader of the” peasants. “

According to A. Norkienė, the eldest of the LVŽS faction, S. Gentvilas’s behavior is incompatible with the principles of transparency, publicity, responsible management and political ethics.

“It is especially worrying that O. Vėbrienė is being pressured even when she already has the status of rapporteur. Therefore, LVŽS’s request to the Attorney General’s Office asks to evaluate whether S. Gentvilas, possibly forcing a public official, now recognized as reporter, not to inform the police about possible illegal actions, did not commit acts prohibited by law, including those specified in the Penal Code. Article 238 of the Code (No reporting of crimes). The prosecution has every opportunity to evaluate this and we believe that it will protect honest people who are not afraid to reveal violations of legal acts and do their duty to the state, ”says faction elder LVŽS A. Norkienė.

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