The priority list for COVID-19 vaccination is updated


The priority group includes those teachers who have been assigned to serve during quarantine by government resolutions or other decisions that require direct contact with the students who are being educated.

The following educators, who will have direct contact with students after resuming school work, will also be vaccinated as a priority:

  • employees of educational institutions and other educational providers who have contact with students educated in preschool, preschool and elementary education programs;
  • people who work in special schools or special classes of general education schools and who have direct contact (permanent or temporary) with students according to primary and basic education, individualized primary and basic education, secondary education, skills development programs social;
  • people who work in vocational training institutions and who have direct contact (permanent or temporary) with students in vocational and social skills programs for students with special educational needs.
SAM Photo / Vaccination Schedule

SAM Photo / Vaccination Schedule

Together with residents who provide and receive social services, employees of other legal entities that provide cleaning, food or other services in social service institutions who have contact with the residents of the institution or who are in the facilities visited by residents of the institution can also be vaccinated.

The vaccination procedure for people with coronavirus or who have antibodies has been clarified by order of the Minister. People diagnosed with COVID-19 will be able to get vaccinated three months after the date of diagnosis. If the disease has not been diagnosed, but the test shows the presence of antibodies in the body, that person can be vaccinated 60 days after the date of the antibody test result.

The order of the Minister of Health on the priority groups for vaccination can be found here.

The Ministry of Health (SAM) recalls that the vaccination of the population is carried out in the order of priority provided in this Order, and only after vaccination of one priority group should it be transferred to the next. How quickly the vaccination scope will be expanded will depend on the vaccine supply.

Scanpix Photo / AstraZeneca vaccine administered to a patient in Bangladesh

Scanpix Photo / AstraZeneca vaccine administered to a patient in Bangladesh

The vaccination plan is based on the information currently available on the scope of the priority groups and the vaccine supply plans. The schedule is based on BioNTech and Pfizer and Moderna vaccine delivery schedules. The quantities delivered in quarters II-IV were distributed under the assumption that the vaccine supply would be constant each week.

The vaccination plan will be updated when new data is received on the supply of vaccines to Lithuania. During the preparation of the plan, it was assumed that 60 percent. People in the priority group will want to be vaccinated when it is their turn to be vaccinated and they will be vaccinated after 3 months. from the diagnosis of the disease.

The vaccination plan and its updates can be found here.
