Minister: Preschool and primary education teachers are expected to be vaccinated in February


“The goal of all of us is to vaccinate the teachers as soon as possible, and I think that in February, if nothing changes, we will continue to vaccinate the preschool and primary school teachers,” said J. Šiugždinienė during a meeting with the Social Democratic opposition. Party on Thursday.

When asked if there are plans to vaccinate graduates, J. Šiugždinienė stated that the priority group is mainly teachers and that due to graduates, they are expected to be able to return to classes when the overall morbidity decreases.

“There are two important factors, the number of cases, if it goes down to more than 200, we can make some decisions and try a mixed way to get graduates back to school, second-time vaccinations, it’s harder to say here because I can really “I do not guarantee that we will get them very soon. We are going to vaccinate at this time because we all know what the situation is and it is very changing,” said the Minister.

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Jurgita Šiugždinienė

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Jurgita Šiugždinienė

“Teachers are a priority group and we will try to vaccinate teachers as much as possible and how effective it will be to receive vaccinations,” noted J. Šiugždinienė.

According to her, remote consultations are planned to help graduates prepare for the Brada exams, video lessons will be prepared, and consultations will take place live as the situation improves.

If the situation is better, we can arrange additional live consultations in May-June.

“We are planning distance consultations for graduates, today another meeting with universities to tailor their consultations to help students prepare for the maturity exams. If the situation is better, we will be able to organize additional live consultations in May-June, we also plan to film video lessons, we are talking with business people, we are looking for all the ways to help graduates ”, said the Minister. .

Jolanta Karpavičienė, adviser to President Gitanas Nausėda, mentioned the possibility of vaccinating high school graduates against coronavirus on Wednesday.

“Attention has been drawn to the fact that a very important group of students that could also be a priority when planning vaccines are the seniors who will take the state maturity tests,” said the advisor after the meeting of the president with the Minister of Education.

Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Dr. Jolanta Karpavičienė

Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Dr. Jolanta Karpavičienė

Most of the students, excluding those in primary school, switched to distance or mixed learning since November 7 of last year with the introduction of the second quarantine. Since the adoption of the tightening in mid-December, there has been a shift towards universal distance education, with beginners on vacation and since January also distance learning only. Distance learning was also introduced during the first quarantine last spring.
