E.Žiobienė: in divorce cases, the interests of the child do not necessarily coincide with those of the mother or father. And this is where the greatest controversy arises Life


“God forbid, someone would install a camera in my room just to know when I’m going to bed or what I’m doing. It’s absurd, ”says the Ombudsman’s Office for the Protection of Children’s Rights. Edit Žiobienė.

All the above examples are not a decade old. They are the present. And while it sometimes seems that the rights, dignity and dignity of the child are increasingly being rejected, these incidents are surprising.

15-minute LIFE interview with the Ombudsman for Children, E.Žiobiene, who began her third term: on the rights and responsibilities of children, the work routine and change. The one that already exists and the one that is still expected.

– Reading your activity report, it is striking that the majority of complaints are about the work of the State Service for the Protection of Children’s Rights and Adoption. Isn’t this a paradox: the reported service, which should protect the best interests of the child?

– We often explain this problem. Our office is not usually directed to the actions of the mother and father, but to the activities of the institutions. Therefore, it is obvious when the child rights department or central authority deals with the issue and the person is dissatisfied: they turn to us. Therefore, these complaints about the Office for the Protection of Children’s Rights and Adoption are.

– What problems do you see in this institution?

– I’m talking about this with some caution now, because there is a new manager. But I have heard critics of this system, saying that this institution is only punitive.

I am very concerned because I would like the Adoption and Children’s Rights Service to be the institution that people can turn to when they have one or another concern. Therefore, I would like the institution to become very strong in this area. So far, it is clear that there are reports of violations and quite a few.

The seizures have really drastically decreased. The state is entering the service sector.

– By the way, the number of stories about children estranged from the family has decreased significantly in public space.

– In the first place, the latest reaction of the Framework Law on the Rights of the Child is very compromising. We’re adding lots of pillows. Pillows in the sense that the more services we provide, the longer the family will support the family. In other words, services to help the child and family live in their family.

The seizures have really drastically decreased. The state is entering the service sector. It is only in each case that it is very necessary to look and evaluate if the family is accepting those services or if it tends to change.

I don’t know, sometimes maybe it is not even worth dedicating ten or more years of social work to a family if the family does not change its lifestyle, its understanding or its high dependencies and it will not? In such cases, many doubts. This is hardly a bear service for a child. In all cases it is individual.

– What tasks did you set yourself?

– Naturally, the tasks are set by yourself, but it is also natural that many of the complaints dictate. Depending on the complaints we have and the plan changes.

I see that a lot of effort is needed to implement the laws that are being passed. For the services that the state has provided by law to be used effectively, they can be obtained. When I talk about services I mean absolutely everything: health, education, help or services for the family in the face of one problem or another.

– Among his priorities, he names psychiatric and psychological examinations. Why have you drawn your attention to this?

– They are recurring things. First of all, we are faced with criminal cases: when there is a case of violence, the parents are accused of violence. If it involves physical violence, a physical exam may be done. Then the question arises whether the child can be trusted, whether the child’s maturity can be trusted. This requires a psychological-psychiatric examination of a child.

These tests take a long time and the child waits 3-6 months in a row. This is followed by the expert examination and then it takes almost a couple of months to write the expert report.

These are sensitive cases. Either a case of sexual abuse or physical violence by the parents. Children, not parents, are punished for waiting so long for an exam. The child is separated from the family and it is not clear how the case of violence will end. Maybe nothing? Maybe there was no violence? But only because the psychiatric psychological examination takes a long time, and the study itself takes a long time. These are unnecessary things in a child’s life that further traumatize the child.
