After changing her diet, Olga got rid of 40 kg: her heart went out, can I get on the chair | Lifetime


However, the result is not only a lower weight, but also a change in the eating habits of the whole family, better health, a fresh mood, a returned love for themselves, and the compliments of others.

Everyday life: crisp clothes, shortness of breath, health problems.

Olga, 37, says the weight has started to increase since she was 19 years old. “I was always plump, but those around me called me, wonderfully round. The weight did not bother anyone: not love, not friendship, not work.

I had promised myself that when I lost 10 pounds, I would eat zeppelins. But so far I haven’t eaten them and I don’t feel the need anymore.

I was married 14 years ago weighing 82 pounds. Then the circle became like a dream: how, I cry, I eat again. And so on and on … I don’t count how many times I tried to lose weight. There was no long-term result. I convinced myself: I eat emotionally, “eat” all my worries, I am lazy to cook separately just for myself, I want to sleep more in the morning and how do I get by without sweets? “- The woman tells the reasons why her hands were bent.

On the occasion of her 35th birthday, Olga received a gift: a winter diet plan prepared by dietitian Vaida Kurpienė. For years it was safe in a drawer. When V. Kurpienė came to Zarasai to talk about a healthy lifestyle, Olga went to the conference. The woman says that by that time she had already reached the end of the bridge: tormented shortness of breath, clothes rustling, tormented snoring, palpitations, and many other health problems.

Personal file photo / Olga weighed 119 kg before the change

Personal file photo / Olga weighed 119 kg before the change

“I was fascinated by V. Kurpienė and the information he provided during the conference. I really wanted to change and did not doubt what was being said. The diet offered by this dietician did not fall from the sky, my friends had already tried it and they shared the results: no hunger, no suffering, only improved well-being and decreased volumes. So, after listening to the advice of a dietician, in the evening I resolutely withdrew my diet plan and started following it the next day, ”Olga recalls.

Life has changed dramatically

“I started in 2020. January 13 When I started following the diet plan, my weight was almost 119 kg. I was determined to give it a try. And lo and behold, the first year has passed without overeating sweets, scones, cakes and other unnecessary products It is true that I enjoyed ice cream during the holidays, they are not completely eliminated from my diet.

When I started following the diet plan, my weight was almost 119 kg.

No one has heard from me this year; It’s difficult, I can’t anymore I had promised myself that when I lost 10 pounds, I would eat zeppelins. But so far I haven’t eaten them and I don’t feel the need anymore. At the moment my account is minus 40 kg. Next year I plan to weigh 13 kilograms less, ”Olga shares her plans.

Personal archive photo Olga, who has lost 40 kg

Personal archive photo Olga, who has lost 40 kg

The woman says that her life changes for the better every day and will change until she reaches the normal weight that suits her.

“It just came to our attention then. Shoe size 40 to 39, no more snore for a long time, heartburn disappeared. Also, I already have enough bath towel to wrap my body, I can climb on the chair and hang the curtains quietly. The smell from the mouth changed, the smartwatch bracelet fell through 2 holes.

I already have enough bath towel to wrap my body, I can climb on the chair and hang the curtains with ease.

When it comes to clothes, my old t-shirt becomes dresses. I can already sit on my knees on my knees, allow myself to sit flirtatiously with my foot on my leg, stop thinking about my heartbeat when my pulse was like that of an astronaut, and while running I can avoid something.

Hello, the love for yourself is back. A normal-weight person doesn’t even think about it, and for me it’s a significant change that makes the heart faint with happiness. And I could name such discoveries for a long time ”, Olga is happy with the change in life.

He also infected the family with good habits

According to her, it is not difficult to follow the diet plan proposed by the dietician, she has tried all the recipes of the diet plan. Olga is convinced that the time spent on production is 100 percent worth it, because a variety of foods, a complete diet helps to solve many problems.

A woman who raised two children with her husband also gave the family good habits.

“My husband produces a lot and it is delicious. We have replaced some products with healthier ones, the children have breakfast with me. The most beautiful sight to my eyes when children cross buttered barley porridge for breakfast.

We still have a long way to go, but I see that the example of healthy eating is coming and it will have a positive effect on my children in the future, ”the woman smiles.

Dietitian: Let’s not delay the change

Dietitian V. Kurpienė emphasizes that Olga has achieved great changes, because she really wanted to change the situation and still has the motivation to go towards the goal.

“Olga’s success story shows that no matter what situation we are in, it all depends on our attitude. As soon as Olga got tougher or stopped losing weight, she turned around and found new ways to lose weight and improve her well-being. When targeting fundamental changes in the body, it is important to gather precise stages, such as 10 kilograms if you are overweight.

Photo by Rūta Rylaitė / Vaida Kurpienė

Photo by Rūta Rylaitė / Vaida Kurpienė

Reaching the goal of each stage brings joy, as well as feeling more capable and able to travel further. After all, shedding 40 kilograms at first may seem like a distant and unattainable dream, but minus 10 kilograms is a task to overcome. So let’s not delay the changes, let’s make them today. Let’s not forget to record the changes, it motivates us to travel further ”, advises the author of the page

According to V. Kurpienė, often people who want to lose weight choose the path of hunger and other extreme ways, because they seek quick changes: “Quick results are painful for health and temporary. In my opinion, enjoying food and feeling full is essential if we want to lose weight for a long time. I am glad that Olga has gradually changed not only her diet, but also that of the whole family. “

It’s all up to you: don’t let yourself get to the end of the curve

For those who want a change but are still reluctant to start living healthier, Olga advises that they give it a try. “In a week you will see results that will motivate you to continue. By balancing the food on your plate, you will feast on your stomach. Really unrealistic feeling of fitting into a smaller garment. My size 56 jacket is waiting for my new hostess because my current size is 42.

I will never go back to that darkness, to disrespect for myself and dislike. I want to live long and happy. I am moving towards my dream: I want beautiful jeans, and already this spring I will cover them and enjoy the view in the mirror.

I’m starting to not know myself in the store, other people even stop on the street. Daily compliments are a pleasure to the heart… I am happy to share my experience and I sincerely advise: “Don’t let yourself get to the end of the curse, love yourself right now,” says Olga.
