Kasčiūnas named 5 threats to Lithuania: from anti-vaccines to friendship between Russia and Belarus


On Thursday, Laurynas Kasčiūnas, chairman of the Seimas National Security and Defense Committee (NSGC), presented forecasts for Lithuania’s security and defense policy for 2021.

The first challenge is the Covid-19 pandemic

L. Kasčiūnas named five challenges to Lithuania’s national security. The first challenge is the Covid-19 pandemic, which has a negative impact on the health of the Lithuanian population and the country’s economy.

“One of the main challenges today and in the years to come is whether we can say goodbye to the pandemic in 2021. <...> Attempts to stop the spread of the coronavirus will depend on the pace and extent of vaccination. The main challenge here is to produce and distribute an effective and safe vaccine, ”L. Kasčiūnas told reporters.

A major problem in this is the attitude of some citizens against vaccination.

“I will just remind you that sociological surveys show that around 40-45% of people are determined to vaccinate. Lithuanian society. 30% society hesitates to do so for various reasons,” added L. Kasčiūnas.

At the same time, he notes that new varieties of Covid-19 and insufficiently rapid diagnosis and monitoring of Covid-19 outbreaks pose problems.

“It is necessary to assess the long-term consequences of the pandemic for the health of the population.” Both the possible long-term complications of the disease and other untimely diseases, such as cancer, “said the chairman of the committee.


The second challenge is the establishment of great powers

L. Kasčiūnas calls the second challenge to Lithuania’s national security “the return of the concert of the great states.” As examples, he cites international relations, military conflicts in which international trade unions – the OSCE, the EU or the UN – have been pushed aside.

“Obviously, when international law and international institutions are weakened, it does not benefit Lithuania. Under the rules of the balance of power, small states become what Vladimir Putin once called a convertible currency, when the multilateral rules of the currency expire. international law, ”said L. Kasčiūnas.

Here, he mentions the problems related to the global giant the United States, which may have a negative impact on Lithuania.

“The US turn towards China, the growing divide between the US and the main countries of the European Union, if we do not maneuver and choose the right priorities, may lead to a serious challenge for Lithuania in 2021 to persuade USA the Baltic region, “Kasčiūnas.

The third challenge is the EU’s attempts to pursue strategic autonomy

According to the Seimas member, after Brexit, more and more speeches were heard about the autonomy of the European Union, which, in his opinion, opens the way to the fragmentation of Europe.

“After Brexit, there are opportunities for other European scenarios. <...> Within the EU, the division between Poland, Hungary and Western Europe is growing, “said the president of the NSGC.

He stressed that the idea of ​​European autonomy must not become a challenge for NATO.

“Lithuania’s interest is only a European security and defense policy that complements NATO. We should not talk about strategic autonomy, but rather about strengthening the European pillar within NATO,” said L. Kasčiūnas.

The fourth challenge is Kenyan technology

L. Kasčiūnas loudly calls the “Chinese technological dictatorship” the fourth challenge. Here he mentions Chinese satellites, 5G connectivity, submarine cables, and other technologies.

“I dare say that China’s technological dictatorship will force many countries to choose in the coming years to belong to the American or Chinese technosphere,” said L. Kasčiūnas.

According to the Seimas member, in this matter the interests of Lithuania completely coincide with the security interests of the United States.

Therefore, we must value our cooperation with China. Ensuring national security must outweigh all other aspects of communication with China. Lithuania’s economic relations should not give China leverage to influence Lithuania’s domestic and foreign policy decisions, “the MP said.

The fifth challenge is the union of Belarus and Russia

The last, fifth challenge is considered by L. Kasčiūnas in the relations between Belarus and Russia.

“The essential interest of Lithuania in Belarus is its independence and democratization. The union of Russia and Belarus represents a threat to the national security of Lithuania, because if it becomes a reality, Russia would become a de facto direct neighbor of Lithuania”, he emphasized L. Kasčiūnas.

Review of the national security strategy

In early December, the NSGC launched a review of Lithuania’s national security strategy.

“What we all want the most is for strategies to be more strategic. The national strategy cannot be another sectoral strategy, ”said L. Kasčiūnas.

According to him, a new national security strategy is expected to be approved at the end of the spring session of the Seimas.
