Covid-19 is not impressed by Veryga Kepenis’s suggestions to toughen up during the rampage: “I’ve told Dainis more than once.”


In his Facebook account, D. Kepenis cites the Lithuanian Civil Code, and more precisely, the clause that protects the inviolability of a natural person. The politician assures that there are cases in which doctors are forced to be vaccinated and encourages those people to write to him.

Veryga: There is no obligation to work

The former Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, interviewed by, affirms that he has not heard of such pressure and assures that there is no mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 in Lithuania.

“Clearly, there are people who don’t want to get vaccinated. There is no such compulsory vaccination in Lithuania and everyone is free to choose whether they want to be vaccinated or not. In some cases, a vaccination may be a necessary requirement to perform a particular job. For example, in the infectious diseases section. But I doubt that anyone who works in the infectious disease department will complain about the vaccination. These people know better than anyone what this infection means and what it means to contract it ”, comments A. Veryga.

A politician with medical training also maintains that those who do not want to be vaccinated can choose another field of work that does not require the vaccine:

“Sometimes people can get confused about who needs that vaccine at work, so the employer has to explain it. A person is free to choose a job if, for one reason or another, he cannot morally accept the need to be vaccinated.

There is no obligation to do any work. It is possible to work remotely, to work as a tutor through a computer, if vaccination and contact work at school are not adequate ”.

Confusing immunities

D. Kepenis often talks about the benefits of hardening, on his social network account he shares invitations to groups that gather “seals” (people who bathe in ice water – aut. Past). He also plans to hold a discussion on natural immunity in the near future.

A. Veryga assures by repeatedly telling a colleague about specific and non-specific immunities and the fact that hardening alone cannot protect against Covid-19.

“I have told Dainis more than once, but of course he is a free man, his business depends on him. Sometimes different things are confused: specific and non-specific immunity. We can strengthen non-specific immunity by amplifying it by various means. My buddy Dainius does, I know, he does, and I always find him running to Seimas’ bedroom. He really moves a lot physically and is a healthy and hardened person, but do we assume we will harden all of Lithuania in two weeks?

The vaccine induces specific immunity to this disease. It is not necessary to oppose these two immunities ”, explains A. Veryga.

The politician hopes that the planned discussion does not seek to show natural immunity as an alternative, and the former Minister of Health himself assures that he is not afraid of getting vaccinated:

“I’m definitely going to vaccinate, I’m not afraid of the chips that conspiracy theories talk about. By the way, I’d love to unload the chip if it just allowed me to control the machine or the phone without the keys. (laughs)
