Snow in Lithuania: stadium dome has fallen, trees have broken, some roads are impassable


Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

By Wednesday morning, firefighters went 331 times to remove fallen trees and other effects of the snow, representatives from the Fire and Rescue Department (PAGD) said.

Added section “Snow did not resist Vilnius Pilaitė gym dome”

Firefighters have removed dozens of trees from the roads and warn that special service cars will get stuck if there are difficult roads, so it is recommended to burn stoves safely, be careful with snowy trees and not leave the house without a good reason.

According to the PAGD Situation Coordination Center, the last day there were more calls in Vilnius (102) and Kaunas (83), most of the firefighters went to remove the fallen trees from the road.

According to the PAGD, the number of rescue operations on the last day is about half of those completed during the 25 days of January.

Wednesday morning after 6 pm More than 50 calls for assistance of this type were received.

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In Vilnius, firefighters rescued trees that had fallen on cars 13 times, three calls were made to residential houses, in Kaunas trees were removed from cars four times and from residential houses seven times.

There were also such calls in Marijampolė, Elektrėnai.

A fallen tree injured a man in Vilnius, Vingis Park, and he was released before the fire brigade arrived. They took him to the hospital.

There were no further reports of casualties.

The dome of the Vilnius Pilaitė gymnasium stadium could not withstand the snow

The dome of the Vilnius Pilaitė Gymnasium stadium did not withstand the snow on Wednesday night, promising to assess losses when the snow melts.

“There was no snow, a natural disaster. He collapsed and fell to the ground, “Zotik Popov, the school’s principal, told BNS on Wednesday.

According to him, the dome is insured, but the loss will be assessed only when the snow melts.

“We will calculate the losses in spring, when the snow melts. The dome is insured, let’s see how much those losses will be. We will repair it if possible, ”said the Pilait Pila Gym director.

The Pilaitė Gymnasium Stadium, covered with an inflatable dome, opened in August last year.

Soccer training takes place on this field. “It just came to our attention then. A natural disaster, you need to sympathize,” Z. Popov said.

The capital’s deputy mayor, Valdas Benkunskas, says efforts have been made to prevent the disaster from happening.

“In recent days, the school that supervises the handling has consulted with the manufacturers and has taken preventive measures in accordance with their recommendations. The pressure rose, the heating temperature rose, but there was so much snow that the measures agreed with the manufacturer did not work, ”the deputy mayor wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.

Installing the infrastructure cost the Vilnius City Municipality around 2 million. Eur, the artificial surface of the field was donated by the Lithuanian Football Federation.

Stuck towed service cars

According to data from the Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board, a car of firefighters who pulled out a fallen tree got stuck in Prienai district on Tuesday, and another team was pulling them away.

An ambulance got stuck in the Raseiniai district and was pulled out by a volunteer firefighter’s tractor.

In Kaunas, Romainiai, a downed tree toppled the light pole and cut the wires, and on Taikos Avenue, the tree broke the glassed-in balcony of the apartment building. There was also a case in which a large branch of a fallen pine tree on Sod calle Street blocked the door of the house and the neighbors were unable to grab it.

In Prienai district, firefighters who had fallen a tree on call removed and set up seven more of the same trees when they returned. In the Jonava district, on the old Kaunas road, firefighters went to remove ten boiled trees. In addition, in the district of Jonava, village of Rukla, firefighters who attended the call due to two fallen trees found and took them all 15.

In Kazlų Rūda Township, firefighters removed up to 20 fallen trees from Kazlų Rūda to Jūrė early Wednesday morning.

The Fire and Rescue Department reports that 15 felled trees had to be removed from the road at approximately 10 am on Tuesday in the Šalčininkai district, Karalina village.

In Varėna district, Samūniškės village, some 30 fallen trees were found and removed from the road.

In Vilnius, on Tuesday afternoon, 39 trees were felled on the road of Turniškių, Valakupių and Svajoni streets, and on Wednesday after midnight some 40 more trees were removed from the road in Smigliai village, Vilnius district.

You may have to wait longer for help

Firefighters and rescuers warn residents that some roads, especially in remote areas, are difficult to cross, which may require a longer wait in the event of a fire.

Therefore, firefighters are asking residents to be careful not to heat or overheat the furnaces, to use electric heating appliances carefully, and to take care of their lonely neighbors.

Trees and roofs that are completely covered in snow can also pose a danger, so it is advisable not to stand next to them or park cars under them. Cars should also not be left under power and communication lines or near broken power lines.

It is recommended to leave the house only in an emergency, because regional roads are difficult to cross, special service cars get stuck in the hemispheres, so residents may have to wait longer for help.

Part of the district’s roads are impassable.

Traffic conditions across the country on Wednesday morning remain difficult due to heavy snow and blizzards overnight, and some of the district’s roads are impassable, the Highway Administration warns.

Main roads: with wet or collapsed snow furrows, in some places the compressed or loose snow cover reaches up to 10-15 cm.

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Regional areas with less traffic intensity: roads with compressed snow, slippery, here in some places a layer of snow, up to 30 cm.

The Highway Administration warns that some regional roads in southern and eastern Lithuania are difficult to cross, such roads are located in Marijampolė, Vilkaviškis, Vilnius, Ukmergė and Širvintos districts.

Roads are being cleared to their full potential, but the Highway Administration warns that once cleared for snow, they will soon be covered with snow again.

Traffic conditions are slightly better in western Lithuania, especially in Klaipėda county, because there is less rainfall there.

It is also noted that due to the thick layer of snow trees and tree branches are broken, it is advised to be careful in wooded areas, to avoid unnecessary trips by car.

On Wednesday morning, the snow will continue throughout Lithuania, with the most snow in the Kaišiadorys, Marijampolė and Varėna districts, in the west and northwest the snow will turn wet somewhere, in some places – blizzard.

Air temperature: from 1 degree of cold to 2 degrees of heat.

According to the Hydrometeorological Service, it will also snow during the day. The wind will be from the northwest, west between 8 and 13 m / s. The highest air temperature will range from 1 degree cold to 2 degrees hot.

About 55,000 consumers have no electricity

Due to breakdowns caused by heavy snowfall, around 55,000 homes in Lithuania have no electricity on Wednesday morning.

The Energy Distribution Operator (ESO) reported that most of the faults are in the Vilnius and Utena regions, where there are around 19,000 and 16,000 consumers without electricity, respectively.

“The situation is especially complicated by the fact that the falling snow is wet and the large amount of snow. We note that repair work is also hampered by the fact that in some places the equipment does not simply go through the snow until it fails. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the snow does not stop, even after a full day of work, there are interruptions in the forests on the same line again, ”ESO reported.

The highest priority is given to households without electricity for the longest time.

There are about 8,300 households in the Kaunas region, about 7,000 in the Alytus region, about 6,300 in the Panevėžys region. According to ESO, snowfall and fault rates are lower in other regions of the country.

The faults are expected to decrease on Wednesday as weather conditions improve.

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