An elderly man who received a call to go to the bank during quarantine found himself uncertain whether he could continue to receive a pension.


I received several letters from the bank to arrive

Vilma’s mother is 85 years old, she has been receiving a pension in a Swedbank account for many years, she has never used online banking and never makes any payments from this account, she only withdraws a current pension with a payment card at an ATM each month.

The day before Christmas, he received a letter from the bank on February 12. You should come and fill in the customer questionnaire based on the principle “Know your customer”.

“It’s like I haven’t met him in 20 years and he hadn’t interviewed before. Stupid order, but maybe one could try to understand it if it weren’t for the currently raging pandemic and declared quarantine. My mother has a disease. , so it belongs to the most vulnerable group of the population.

During and after the first quarantine, these people were advised not to visit crowds: shops, pharmacies, churches, avoid public transport, and now the bank tells you to go to the bank office in person and fill out a questionnaire before a specific date Vilma resents.

The woman wondered what would happen if her mother did not come and complete this questionnaire before the specified date. According to her, the Swedbank website clearly states that “if we do not complete the Customer Questionnaire for people in a timely manner, we will not be able to provide some or all of our services to them. This means that you may be subject to restrictions on the use of your bank account, payment card (s), Swedbank Internet banking, and the smart app, and you may not be able to receive any other services. “

In other words, a person of respectable age who does not go to the bank during quarantine will no longer be able to receive the rightful pension, because restrictions will be applied to their payment card, he says.

An elderly man who received a call to go to the bank during quarantine found himself uncertain whether he could continue to receive a pension.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

After New Year’s retirement, the woman received a second letter from the bank with a warning.

More older people also received letters

“I contacted the bank by email because my mother does not use email. Please take note of the situation and allow the mother to answer questions over the phone or postpone the deadline. I received a response that the client herself has to call the short number 1884, “says the woman’s daughter.

After calling the bank, the consultant who responded stated that it was not possible to answer the questions over the phone, so the woman had to go to the bank in person.

After reminding him of the current quarantine, the consultant replied that the questionnaire could be completed after the questionnaire ends, that is, after the date indicated in the letter, but did not record the details of the woman.

She and her daughter did not understand if it was necessary to complete the questionnaire before the specified date, what would happen next if they did not, if they could believe the words of the telephone counselor, and who would respond if it turned out to be wrong. .

“Why are letters sent to older clients with a specific date if it is claimed that the questionnaire can be completed later? If the consultant was right, why couldn’t the other consultant who responded to my email write the same? ”Vilma asks.

The interlocutor pointed out that it was not only his mother who found herself in this situation. The mother of Vilma’s girlfriend, who has turned 80, received exactly the same calls to fill out the questionnaire.

“The woman underwent a complicated operation last year, after which she balanced life and death for several months. It didn’t come out anyway. And received a request to come to the bank branch. It was only given a two-week deadline in late February.

Is the completion of this questionnaire really an indispensable matter for which a person at risk, both due to age and illness, would have to go personally to the bank branch during the quarantine? And if it is really possible to come later to fill out the questionnaire, why are letters sent with a specific date? Why use such actions to terrorize people of respectable age and cause them additional stress? ”Vilma points out.

An elderly man who received a call to go to the bank during quarantine was uncertain whether he could continue to receive a pension.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Swedbank: we do not encourage clients to come to the bank

Swedbank’s spokesman, Saulius Abraškevičius, assures that in the face of the situation caused by the pandemic, the bank is concerned about the safety of residents, employees and the general public, so it does not encourage customers to go to the branch to refill a personal data questionnaire.

“For customers who do not use bank email, alternatives are offered, such as completing the questionnaire over the phone or postponing the deadline for completing the questionnaire. However, in any case, we look forward to the cooperation of customers, we invite you to call bank at telephone 1884, our client must speak during the conversation and not an authorized person or other related person ”, he says.

A Swedbank spokesman says he understands the concerns of the elderly about the possible consequences of not completing the questionnaire.

“We can assure you that during the conversation with clients, we usually agree on the best solution for this situation, which would be suitable for both the resident and the bank. The most important thing in this case is to call the bank and cooperate, ”says the bank representative.

Why do banks ask?

Delphi Remember that banks do not collect customer data on their own initiative, but because it is required by law. Lithuanian laws regulating international requirements, regulating the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as the application of the “Know your customer” principle are followed.

In accordance with legal requirements, banks must ensure that their systems are not used by individuals posing a threat to the public and that criminally obtained funds are not stored or transferred.
This means that banks need to know who the customer is and what their regular activities are, to ensure that the customer’s operations are commensurate with the scope and volume of their business activities.

When filling out the form, a new banking customer usually indicates what actions he intends to take with his account, what transactions are relevant to him, what cash flows will be transferred or charged more frequently. This assesses the customer’s risk and makes it easier for the bank to identify suspicious cash movements in the accounts.

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