Environmentalists have contributed 48 million. Price in euros for Grigeo Klaipda


Photo by Algimantas Kalvaiis

The Department of Environmental Protection provided 48 million. EUR. The insistence on compensation for property-rich beer in a criminal case was submitted to the Klaipda Regional Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday, announces department head Olga Vbrien.

Complemented by the chapters Tyr et al., Business Continuity Risks and Grigeo Klaipda’s comment.

I remind you that the amount of the initial civil claim in March 2020 amounted to 3.9 million. EUR. (…) wing was calculated strictly on the basis of data and documents collected and presented during the pre-trial investigation. (…) The case will certainly set a precedent, Facebook wrote on Tuesday.

For the Department of the Environment, there is a lion trail in the case. At the same time, it is both an obvious reproach and an indication that change is coming, even if one tries to avoid it, O. Vbrien said.

Gina Skersinskyt, a prosecutor at the Klaipda District Prosecutor’s Office, told the SNB that the prosecution had submitted the request for a pre-trial investigation, the means of which would be handed over to the court.

They have asked the court where we will take him to trial, and it will be dealt with alongside the criminal case, the SNB told the prosecutor.

It has not yet been possible to say when the case will be referred to court.

Tomas Eikinas, CEO of Grigeo Klaipda, said that he was surprised by the civil lawsuit that the Department of Environmental Protection received today against Grigeo Klaipda regarding compensation for beer property caused to the environment.

After analyzing the document received, we lack the reasoning on the basis of which this amount was calculated. The document does not contain information on how the cave was found, which was made in the Kuri lagoon, nor if the flora and fauna, the state of the water was damaged. We only have to name the figure, which was calculated according to the methodology approved by the former Minister of the Environment back in 2002. How the cave was calculated is not substantiated and to what extent it corresponds to the real situation. In view of all this, at this time it is difficult to comment further and evaluate the figures presented, T. Eikinas is quoted in the press release.

Since, according to him, there is no data on the actual quantities of incompletely treated effluents entering the Curonian lagoon, the uncertain situation and nature assessment require objective data and calculations, as required by Directive 2004/35 / CE, which is binding. in all members of the community. According to T. Eikin, this was done by independent foreign experts from TIG Environmental. The report prepared by them and the proposals for environmental remediation measures were presented to the Department of Environmental Protection last November, but no response was received from the Department.

The environmental impact study and the preparation of the recovery plan were based on the monitoring of the Environmental Protection Agency, Klaipda Water, Klaipda Seaport Authority, the Klaipeda State study by the University of Klaipeda, and the research of the State Food and Veterinary Service.

In early January, a year after the Grigeo Klaipda packaging scandal, the prosecutor said that the pre-trial investigation was in the final stages and that the case should reach court soon. G. Skersinskyt later stated that up to a year in prison could be threatened for those responsible, and Grigeo Klaipda could face up to 5 million prisoners. Eur good.

According to her, which of the assumptions will go to court and if Gintautas Pangonis, the main shareholder of the Grigeo group, will be among them, will take the case to court. There are a total of 89 natural persons and Grigeo Klaipda.

It was previously announced that G. Pangonis and Tomas Eikinas, the head of Grigeo Klaipda, who has been working since December 2019, are among those alleged.

Tyr yourself

TIG Environmental, an international company operating in the field of environmental protection, which prepared a study on beer remuneration on behalf of Grigeo, argued that the area of ​​Kuri Mara affected by Grigeo’s Klaipda sewage should have been limited and that the impact on zooplankton spawning should not be affected.

TIG Environmental emphasized that the remuneration for natural beer should be based on EU Directive no. 2004/35 / EC defines the principles and methods of compensation for natural beer, giving priority to the non-monetary method of compensation of beer for the environment.

Risk to business continuity

In the media, and not the issuer, the sale of Grigeo shares on the stock market began. The shares fell 13.62% in price when, after more than an hour at the request of Grigeo, the stock operator suspended trading until the issuer itself published the information.

Within hours of the capitalization of Grigeo, more than 13 million EUR.

There is uncertainty, which may raise significant doubts about the company’s ability to continue operations last year, prompted by the pre-trial investigation, suspended purchases by some customers, and factory downtime when AB Klaipdos Vanduo it stopped receiving sewage, Grigeo Klaipda said last year.

On January 13 and 20, according to Creditinfo, the company was subject to two asset seizures.

Grigeo moni grup 2020 September 30 It was made up of nine companies AB Grigeo Klaipda, UAB Grigeo Packaging, UAB Grigeo Baltwood, UAB Grigeo Recycling, SIA Grigeo Recycling, AT Mena Pak, UAB Grigeo investicij valdymas, UAB Naujieji Verkiai and UAB Grigiki energija.

2020 In the first half of the year, the group reached 65.1 million. Eur consolidated sales volume. During the same period, the company’s sales amounted to 32.4 million. EUR. Gigeo will release last year’s financial statements on February 25.

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