Children are more cunning than distance learning and avoid teacher questions by blaming poor communication


A year ago, just over a month before the pandemic began, distance education seemed like a utopia for most Lithuanian schools. These days, everything has been turned upside down. every educator in the country turns on the computer every morning and greets students only remotely.

Teachers and students who face these modern challenges on a daily basis told about their recent moods, recent experiences, and events that made them smile.

Students lack motivation

When asked about emotions at that time, all interlocutors admit that different thoughts come to mind, but that they are united by a common feeling: the desire to return to class.

Mantas Karanauskas, a geography teacher at Vilnius Balsiai Progymnasium and Eruditas Lyceum, tells that although teachers have become accustomed to distance education, after that time new difficulties begin to arise. One year ago, innovative lesson teaching solutions are getting boring and new ideas are getting harder to come by.

“Distance learning is exhausting, it gets boring. You no longer know how to surprise these children, some are already a little apathetic at times ”, says M. Karanauskas.

Child at computer

Lukas, a graduate of the Vilnius Mykolas Biržiška Gymnasium, also notices it. Depending on the student, although some teachers may be inclined to use more diverse information sources or technological solutions, the students themselves lack motivation to learn.

Who is to blame in this case? It is very easy to resist that one or the other is to blame, that students do not respect teachers. Perhaps that is partially true. But teachers haven’t yet realized that staying motivated and interested in them is much more important and is no longer the kind of gift that was found in contact lessons.

There are many ways to become unmotivated to join the lessons, from uninteresting teaching to fear of joining, because if you don’t know something, it won’t do you any good ”, explains the twelfth.

Find pros and cons

Eleven-year-old Darius, who lives in the Vilnius district (name changed – Aut. Past), says he finds little joys in the current situation.

“When the lesson starts at 9 pm you can get up ten minutes before her. You should get up much earlier when you go to school.

Perhaps the greatest desire is to learn remotely because it is simpler, it does not take as much time. Students are more attracted to the attention of some students. The disadvantage is that there are fewer lessons and perhaps more material can be mastered in school ”, the student explains the advantages and disadvantages of this way of learning.


Alma Paulauskienė, a methodologist at the Kražantė Progymnasium in Kelmė, says that she notices the tendency for distance education to seem very attractive to children only from the beginning. Learning this way for a little longer is said to have more disadvantages than advantages.

“I recently evaluated 50 student essays on the topic of current reality. Believe me, all the children up to one of them stated that they were initially satisfied with distance education, they named its advantages, and now they emphasize that they are tired of all this and want to go back to school sooner, ”says the teacher.

Modern writing methods

M. Karanauskas also points out that more and more fraud and copying are noticed during distance lessons. The professor acknowledges that it is virtually impossible to guarantee fairness at this time.

“Now I am correcting my eighth grade exams and I see that some were probably deleted from the textbook, but it is impossible to prove. There are times when you goof off and write a detailed answer from the internet, where even I probably wouldn’t write that way.

I tell everyone that the most important thing is humanity. I say that I believe that families are trained to be honest and I hope they will be the same during the settlements ”, explains M. Karanauskas.

Students Darius and Lukas, when asked about writing trends, do not hesitate to confirm that a large number of their peers are committed to this.

“It just came to our attention then. Basically, maybe a few steps can be taken to keep everyone on cameras at all times, but that won’t solve all problems.

The thing is, students don’t value academic honesty at all, ”says graduate Lukas.

Copy (photo

A. Paulauskienė, a professor working at Kelmė, still denies that this is a widespread problem in Lithuania.

“This year I am working with students in grades 5-6 and I would not say that copying is thriving. Yes, they can write to each other, but the tasks are assigned in several ways: both the essay and the presentation of the book read, creative tasks for which Google cannot find the answers.

There is another side: some students cannot even write the textbook while doing their homework, ”laughs the Lithuanian language teacher.

There is no lack of laughter

With modern technology-dependent training and its smooth running, interlocutors acknowledge that they have had to deal with a wide variety of curiosities in recent years.

A. Paulauskienė says that he still remembers an incident in which the lesson had to be given over the phone.

“Once, as always, long before the lesson, I turned on all the necessary programs, preparing for a great lesson. The students have joined the video lesson, we are starting the lesson, and my computer is not because of this or because of the fact that it will start to sound like some kind of house alarm.

I am scared, distracted, students, I see, very confused, I speak, they do not listen to me, I try to write that some kind of anomaly is occurring, I do not go. I try feverishly to turn it all off; it fails, and yet that flicker at home that an angry man came into my room and somehow turned off the computer siren.

It was the shortest lesson ever taught, as the technique was recharged for a long time. Of course, then I had to contact the students by phone and continue the lesson in another way ”, the teacher shares his funny memories.

A computer

M. Karanauskas says that he has also repeatedly come across amazing technologies. However, it is the students themselves who can best take advantage of this.

“Sometimes kids get a chance to abuse. If you ask them, they don’t know the answer, sometimes they just go out and come back and say the connection is stuck. Sometimes they don’t talk again when they come back, sometimes they don’t come back at all .

There has been a case where I asked a student and it shows that he left the lesson. Then he writes me a responsible letter stating that he has a communication problem and will not be able to attend the lesson. Then look with great benevolence. These cases sometimes happen, it is difficult to find them all ”, says the geography professor.

It is important to maintain emotional health

According to the interlocutors, although we are on the right track at the moment, distance education still has its own gaps that can take time to close.

Graduate Luke says he’s ready to prepare for exams and finish school remotely. However, not everyone has the same opportunities and support for a close environment as he does.

“We have not yet been able to provide psychological support to the students. Perhaps we expect too much from students, believing that their intrinsic motivation and search for knowledge is sufficient even when there is no community.

There is no more social aspect, it’s just you and your computer, the room. It is much more difficult to maintain a good environment, there may be problems in the family in some cases ”, the boy explains.

Science from home

M. Karanauskas says that to maintain emotional health, it is better not to wait for anything at the moment and to undertake long-term distance learning.

“If we decide now that we will come back soon and that distance education will last a long time, it will be psychologically difficult. At least I have been in the mood for at least a few months too.

Teachers do not feel tension, perhaps the word monotony is more appropriate. It is the same about the same. A colleague jokes about me saying that he feels like a talking radio operator and doesn’t know if he is listening or not, ”says the teacher.

He says he hopes that all teachers can get vaccinated in the next six months, and that next fall will be more business as usual: Then there will be no more streams of students, clusters and other things that cause confusion. “

7.5 million are allocated to improve distance education. euros

Distance learning is currently scheduled for January 31st. Special classes and special classes in general education schools operate in the usual way. There are also preschool and preschool educational institutions, but it is still a recommendation to bring children to them only for parents who do not have the opportunity to work from home.

Starting January 21. children who do not have the opportunity to study at home can return to school. There is already talk of broader liberalization of the education system: Health experts are proposing to the government to open schools, but teachers and students should be tested for the coronavirus beforehand, and it is suggested that educators and older students get more vaccinated. late.


The Minister of Education, Science and Sports Jurgita Šiugždinienė also approved a plan of support measures, which provides specific assistance to graduates, children from socially vulnerable families and other students, provision of computer equipment to schools, strengthening the skills of teachers, childcare at school.

7.5 million have been earmarked for the execution of the plan. euros. Some 14,000 people are said to need help. students: to help them join distance learning, to strengthen their learning motivation. Another 11 thousand. students experience interruptions due to insufficient technological equipment at home.
