On Molėtai Road, around 10 million will be invested in Production Innovation Valley. euros – MadeinVilnius.lt


Small manufacturing companies, startups, technology developers and researchers will be able to carry out production, create digital innovations and prototypes, and test their innovative ideas in the Valley of Production Innovation being created in Vilnius. There will be an adequate infrastructure of the premises, the equipment for production will be worked on, and expert consultations will be provided in some 20 different technological areas. Lithuanian and foreign companies and individuals are invited to settle in the valley. About 10 million will be invested in the valley. euros.

Gintaras Vilda, Director of the Production Innovation Valley, points out that this project is unique not only in Lithuania, but also in the Baltic countries. “Small manufacturing companies, production technology start-ups and individual innovators still do not have a single space for their activities and their cultivation. Therefore, creating a valley where to test, improve and test new digital solutions will be much faster due to the existing infrastructure and the product development and commercialization competencies accumulated together with the partners. Industry In the context of 4.0 and 5.0, the European Union encourages countries to invest more in digital innovations, and our activities will make a real contribution to make Lithuania a high-tech country ”, says G. Vilda.

A 5,000 m2 building will be erected in the Valley of Manufacturing Innovations early next year. Its infrastructure will be available both for those who need 1 position and for production companies with up to 15 employees, requiring an area of ​​200-600 m². There will be electrical and automation laboratories, aerial production, environmental control, machining, robotics and integrated automation, quality control and other production laboratories. The valley will have the necessary equipment for production: CNC machining, laser cutting, casting machines, industrial robots, automation and metrology equipment, including X-ray and ultrasound measuring devices, welding equipment, 3D printing equipment, various prototype test benches, chargers, etc. In total, more than 3 million will be invested in the team. It will be available to everyone who works in the Valley. The building also includes a “cleaning room” used for the electronic or medical industry.

Separate production services will also be available to large Lithuanian and foreign companies that want to test their newly developed technologies or prototypes, which is difficult to do in mass production companies that are uncomfortable accepting unit orders. The valley will operate in a “back and forth” fashion.

The Valley of Innovation in Manufacturing will provide automation, robotics, 3D prototyping, design and testing, digitization consulting, and a host of other digitization-related services. In addition to sector consulting, companies will have access to business management services: financing, logistics, marketing, law, accounting and more. In total, around 40 different specialized services will be available here, in addition to infrastructure support and business support services. El Valle will develop relationships with foreign partners, thus providing opportunities for the international development of its members. “Our goal is to create a space where companies and individuals can focus solely on their core business, and we will help them solve everyday problems while at the same time seeking growth and development opportunities. By the way, we will help foreign companies to bring together the necessary equipment, as we have extensive contacts in the manufacturing sector. Our aim is to create the most modern center for applied industrial research, experimental development and innovation activities in the Baltic countries in the field of production, therefore we will take maximum care of the participants of our ecosystem ”, says G. Vilda, Director of Production Innovation, Valle.

Referring to the perspectives of the Valley, G. Vilda points out: “Our objective is to help small production companies and start-ups to grow, so that incubation and acceleration services are provided, and we are considering the possibility of establishing an investment fund specialized the future. We will strive so that the companies that have grown here have the opportunity to continue their activities in the future largest buildings in the Valley, we see this project as a beginning ”.

Until 2022 The Valle building will be built at the beginning of the year, companies and individuals can already request consultations on CAD design, selection of production technologies, prototypes, industrial design, installation of robotic systems, artificial vision, installation of control systems of illumination. It is expected that by 2023. The infrastructure of the Valley will be used by more than 200 companies, approximately half of which will have implemented or developed innovations.

The Valley of Productive Innovations will be located on Molėtai Road, together with the Arginta group of companies, together with UAB Brolis Semiconductors and UAB Armila. The project partners UAB BaltLed, UAB Aedilis, UAB Elinta, UAB Proftools will also invest in the equipment and technological infrastructure of the Valley.
