The quarantine is proposed to continue until February 28, it is clear how it would relax


At a meeting of the Government Emergency Situations Commission (ESDC) on Monday the latest epidemiological situation in the country and the plan for the release of quarantine restrictions presented by the Ministry of Health were discussed.

“After hearing the information about the numbers, it can be said that the Covid-19 situation in Lithuania is improving a bit, we see positive numbers. However, the acceleration of the fall itself has slowed down a bit.

After evaluating all the arguments and figures expressed by both the Ministry of Health and the experts, the decision was made to propose to the Government to extend the quarantine for one more month until February 28, “the minister told the press on Monday. of the Interior, Agnė Bilotaitė.

The WEU also discussed a plan according to which Lithuania could emerge from quarantine in stages. The gradual release from quarantine will be carried out taking into account the morbidity in the country, and according to A. Bilotaitė, the priority areas will be medical care, educational services and exemptions for companies.

“The key indicators that will be considered when proposing certain releases will not be the date, but the percentage of morbidity and positive tests for Covid-19,” added the minister.

Agnė Bilotaitė

The situation is improving

According to Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, Lithuania is already close to scenario C in terms of morbidity, when certain releases could be expected in quarantine. The Minister recalled that several scenarios for release from quarantine have been discussed in the past, but they are directly linked to key morbidity indicators.

“Currently, the 14-day morbidity is 100,000. The population is 527, so we are still in Scenario D, when the number of cases exceeds 400. So we are close to the door behind Scenario C, where other scenarios would be possible, ”A. Dulkys told reporters.

According to him, an example could be that if we were already in a scenario where we had less than 200 cases, it would be possible to offer two permanent homes to communicate, after reaching 100 cases, there could be three permanent homes.

Arūnas Dulkys

“At that point, when the morbidity rate reached less than 50 cases, it would be possible to suggest that there would be no restrictions,” said A. Dulkys, and said the same mitigation would be expected in other areas.

What will the mitigation stages look like?

It is planned that when the number of cases reaches 200 cases, 100 thousand. population in 14 days, two households could be allowed to communicate. According to A. Dulkis, this is possible in mid-February. After reaching 100 cases, 100 thousand. population, the communication circle would be expanded to three households.

The number of inpatient services provided in medical institutions would also increase.

Since the second half of February, reaching 200 cases, 100 thousand. population within 14 days, a return to contact or blended learning for beginners would be considered.

Among other things, one of the first exemptions under consideration is allowing the operation of non-grocery stores, provided they have a separate entrance from the outside, as well as other safety distance requirements. This version could come into effect in the second half or end of February.

The release for business will be possible when 150 surgeries reach 100,000. population in two weeks.

Among the discussions is the proposal of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation to allow the operation of centers that provide cross-country skiing services, guaranteeing safety requirements. There are six such centers in Lithuania.

Until March 1, the recommendation to opt for teleworking in both the public and private sectors would be maintained, except for those functions that must be performed in the workplace.

This week, the ministries will present their proposals for the plan and discuss them with experts.

The quarantine in Lithuania lasts from November 7 to December 16. strict measures have been introduced.
