A.Veryga and R.Karbauskis “extend a helping hand” to the Government: they would not have introduced the quarantine as it is now


On Monday, R. Karbauskis together with the party, the former Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga, organized a press conference at the Seimas. Politicians presented how COVID-19 would be governed if it were still in power.

“It is, above all, a helping hand for this government, which had no plans. Apparently, they did not expect to win the elections, I think so, “said R. Karbauskis when presenting the COVID-19 management guidelines.

Believe that they have imposed excessive restrictions on themselves

The LVŽS leader explained that the incoming government had just introduced new measures to combat COVID-19 and applied those that were in force under the government of the “peasants.”

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ramunas Karbauskis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ramunas Karbauskis

“This Government could only do two things – it could make a decision to restrict the movement of citizens for a long time and close part of the business – the service business, commerce, which is already in force for the second month,” assured R. Karbauskis.

“This ruling majority simply repeats the decisions we made in the spring. The only movement restriction we did was for two days, at Easter. We made decisions about restrictions on business, trade and services, but then there were no safeguards, the spread of the virus and the risks were unknown, “said the politician.

He was convinced that some government decisions were redundant at the time.

“Probably, according to today’s assessments, our spring decisions were redundant, but they were due to our not knowing,” explained R. Karbauskis, assuring that the “peasant” government would not introduce restrictions on the scope introduced. by the new government.

The Union of Greens and Peasants of Lithuania would not have accepted the quarantine as it currently exists in any way.

“The Union of Greens and Peasants of Lithuania would not have accepted the quarantine as it exists in any way,” said R. Karbauskis.

Movement restrictions: only during holidays

According to him, the restriction of movement between municipalities can be valid only on holidays, for example, during the New Year. But such a restriction, according to the party president, cannot last several months.

This is “nonsense”, because according to R. Karbauskis, residents cannot go to nature and meet in cities.

Also, according to the politician, there was no need to restrict the activity of small businesses, because now people are allowed to go to large businesses, and here it is said that the population is large.

“We need to start addressing the issues in a way that recovers the business, the service sector, that we can get back to business safely. <...>. Because immediately we will have irreversible processes, when the corporate bankruptcies begin, when people lose their jobs, not to mention the income they lose every day, ”the politician called for the lifting of restrictions on movement between municipalities.

“We are in favor of quarantine, we have introduced it, not the conservatives have introduced it. But by restricting the movement of people and preventing people from going to the sea, to the forests, to allow them to visit places where they can spend time and months with children, we will have completely different consequences and much worse than those we could have directly from the coronavirus, ”said R. Karbauskis.

Offers to allow small businesses to operate

Former Health Minister A. Veryga spoke a little more moderately: “The least we would like to do is criticize without specific suggestions. We are very aware that in such a difficult situation, once you start working, it is not very easy to guide yourself and take measures, both to harden and mitigate ”.

It is true that he seconded R. Karbauskis and asked that people be allowed to move between municipalities, because at the same time people would move more in nature and the police could take on other jobs.

“These total movement restrictions are necessary in several cases: during major holidays, when people move a lot, <...> another total may be closure when there is a local spread of the disease. You probably remember that during the first quarantine period it happened in Nemenčinė “, – said A.Veryga and suggested focusing more on the restrictions of contacts between family farms.

He also assured that it was not necessary to restrict the activities of small businesses such as hairdressing. Some companies, according to the politician, bypass the restrictions, such as cutting at home.

“This sector has been able to operate in the near future, I think it could operate in compliance with all strict safety requirements. Also, if there is a lot of fear, it is possible to impose on employees or companies the obligation to evaluate self-employed employees every week, ”said A. Veryga.

He believes that small shops with open entrances and possibly supermarkets should be opened. In this case, according to the politician, their working hours should be extended, customer flows should be regulated.

R. Veryga also suggested considering whether the time to market for alcoholic beverages should be shortened.

The politician also discussed the COVID-19 vaccination issues: suggested using the experience of foreign countries that have a vaccination plan, to develop a long-term vaccination strategy against COVID-19, intensify the vaccination advertising campaign, use The Lithuanian army or other institutions for the meetings of the vaccination process, please present a vaccination passport.

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Seimas press conference:

VIDEO: LVŽS faction press conference: “LVŽS offers alternative measures to combat COVID-19”
