Offers to buy an expensive device against all diseases: experts warn to think before buying


Tomas Sveikata, head of the orthopedics department at Vilnius Republican University Hospital and orthopedist, traumatologist, says that patients come to him with many different splints, lasers, magnets and other items.

“As fun as it is, our patients come to us and say, ‘I have a lamp, I have a laser, I have splints of all kinds.’

Then we are asked how we think if those things will work or not. Traders somehow get to their horizons faster than a doctor, ”says T. Sveikata.

Patient and doctor

Keeping promises

Dr. T. Health discusses why patients give in to merchants’ promises and buy extremely expensive items to alleviate one ailment or another that they probably don’t even need.

The doctor suspects that this is also influenced by the long process that the patient has to go through to reach the specialist and obtain a diagnosis.

“The doctor evaluates the complaints, then performs tests and only after analyzing all the data does he make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In physiotherapy, magnets or lasers can be used in certain places and situations, but the patient must still be in contact with the doctor and not with the salesperson, since it is natural that a commercial aspect later arises.

When a salesperson sells, I don’t know if he is able to find out who is selling to whom, who will be used here, or whether the patient will benefit properly. There is always the risk of doing the wrong thing by wearing the wrong thing, ”says T. Sveikata.

One device to treat all diseases.

Nora Ribokienė, director of the State Accreditation Service for Sanitary Activities (hereinafter, the Accreditation Service), also talks about the possible damage of various lasers intended for domestic use. According to her, these “magic” devices do not meet the safety requirements or the descriptions do not correspond to reality.

N. Ribokienė also told about the case where people were offered to buy a therapeutic laser and it was presented as capable of curing many diseases.

“The company organized a presentation on the premises of the Vilnius cafeteria, during which participants were offered to buy ‘Motus’ laser therapy equipment. In addition to the presentation, the company representative listed many diseases for which it is intended the product, such as blood “cleansing”, joint inflammation, herpes virus, skin problems (acne, wrinkles, stretch marks, psoriasis), bone deformation – Hallux valgus, gout, varicose veins, bruises, sprains, ulcers diabetic, rose, fungus, infectious diseases (runny nose, tonsils, ear inflammation, sinusitis), dentistry (after tooth extraction, gum surgery, implant placement, stomatitis, periodontitis), but also showed photos before treatment ”Says N. Ribokienė.

The person in charge of the Accreditation Service affirms that the safety of the people may have been in danger during the delivery. Because after receiving the device to test the device, it was not reported that the laser could not be used in the presence of cancer or with a pacemaker.

Laser treatment

Dr. Las Health also agrees that lasers in the wrong hands can cause harm.

“Any method of treatment has to be based on a certain logic, it is natural that this logic comes when you understand or know something, then you justify why the treatment is like this and not different.

I think it is a bit irresponsible both for the sellers and for the people themselves, who risk their health and use the devices without knowing if they really need them or not ”, says the doctor.

Encourage to be careful

N. Ribokienė assures that in case of doubt about whether patients should buy one or another device, they should contact a doctor or the Accreditation Service. This will ensure your safety and health.

The Director of the Accreditation Service also encourages the providers themselves to critically evaluate whether they are trustworthy and not trying to mislead you. According to the expert, it is always useful to ask for instructions on the device.

“The purpose of the medical device, the side effects are indicated in the instructions for use of the medical device, so the consumer should request access to this information before purchasing the product. A medical device that is not used for its intended purpose and is not suitable for a particular person can harm human health, ”says N. Ribokienė.

Eastcon Comment: No Health Threat

The company, which received the accreditation authority’s administrative infringement report on the Motus laser, explained to Eastcon on that it no longer sells lasers, but that a link to the advertising page for said laser can still be found. in the Google search engine.

“Our company since 2018. MOTUS no longer sells lasers because the State Accreditation Service did not grant a marketing authorization. These lasers are marketed in many countries.

We believe that a type like the MOTUS laser is a necessary device in every home. Inpatient facilities for this purpose have long been used in many rehabilitation facilities.

The principle of operation of a therapeutic laser is very simple and the effect is unique. This laser is recommended for wound healing, pain relief, local immunity. There is no risk to health when using a therapeutic laser.

There has been a long-standing debate among scientists as to whether this type of laser can be used in eye treatment and cancer patients. Until there is consensus, our company did not recommend lasers to cancer patients or eye treatments at the time they were sold, ”Eastcon responded.
