London police organized a raid on the school, where 400 people gathered to celebrate the wedding.


According to current regulations in England, weddings can only be arranged in “exceptional circumstances” and with the participation of a maximum of six people.

Officials found hundreds of people in a school with the windows closed, and Police Chief Inspector Marcus Barnett called the participants’ behavior “a totally unacceptable violation of the law.”

The organizer is threatened with up to 10 thousand. pounds (11.2 thousand euros), police said. While many guests fled the venue, five were fined £ 200 (€ 225).

The wedding took place at Yesodey Hatorah School in Stamford Hill, an area with a large ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.

A statement issued by the school said the administration rented the hall “without knowing that a wedding would be held.”

The UK currently has a universal quarantine introduced earlier this month due to an increase in COVID-19 cases and the spread of a more contagious strain of coronavirus.

However, the government, police and medical officials regret that some residents are still ignoring the requirement to respect social distance and the prohibition on meeting with other family members.

On Thursday, Vin Diwakar, director of medicine for the London branch of the National Health Service (NHS), compared the lack of protection for those in close contact with others to “turning on the lights during the Blitz” in the wake of the attacks. German Nazi airships against the British capital.

Police have previously raided venues where illegal raves, music concerts and parties were held.

Home Secretary Priti Patel has increased the maximum fine to £ 800 (€ 900) for those attending illegal house parties if more than 15 participants attend.

Britain’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis wrote on Twitter that the illegal event, which ended on Friday, is “a shameful desecration of all that is precious to us.” He said such behavior was “intolerable to much of the Jewish community.”

In November, 15,000 were assigned to a New York synagogue. a fine of USD 12.3 thousand for organizing an indoor wedding with the participation of thousands of people.
