More than usual, people began to complain of insomnia – the doctor explained why it happened


Sleep largely depends on our psychological well-being. Dalia Matačiūnienė, a neurologist at the Kardiolitos klinikai Neurology Center, says that this year people are experiencing a real challenge, because we all live in conditions of chronic stress, when we are not sure about our financial future and the health of our loved ones. .

“I always see many patients who complain of insomnia. However, in the last six months, people who previously did not have sleep disorders, and now insomnia, associate it with the pandemic, changed their lifestyle and psychological situation ”Said D. Matačiūnienė.

The doctor also points out that the usual ways in which we were able to replenish the reserves of positive emotions and impressions are now very limited: close social interaction, travel, many sports, team games are not possible.

In addition to sleep being affected by decreased physical activity, we spend much more time on screens than we receive a lot of stressful information. It also contributes to the fact that at this time of year the body secretes less melatonin, the sleep hormone, because we are less outdoors and do not receive direct sunlight.

More than usual, people began to complain of insomnia - the doctor explained why it happened

“There are so many reasons for insomnia lately that sometimes I even wonder about the flexibility and ability of the human body to adapt to harsh conditions. But to keep things from looking so pessimistic, I see the benefits of sleeping quarantine: students received the gift of such a lack of morning sleep when they no longer have to get up early and spend time going to school, and telecommuting also made owl’s life easier. Also, those whose sleep was disturbed by anxiety before the first few Responsible meetings sleep better, remote meetings tend to cause less stress, “said the interlocutor.

Why do insomnia or sleep disorders develop?

As stated by D. Matačiūnienė, insomnia disorder manifests itself as a recurrent sleep disorder, impaired sleep duration, integrity, or quality, which recurs despite adequate sleeping conditions and worsens well-being during the day.

“When we doctors talk about insomnia, we are not referring to a single night of bad sleep, but to a disease, an insomnia disorder,” explained the doctor.

There are 2 types of insomnia: acute, that is, short-term insomnia that lasts up to 3 months, and chronic. According to the neurologist, many people have had episodes of acute insomnia throughout their lives and can easily identify its causes: other acute illnesses, pain, sudden stress, loss, changing time zones and, for some, a turning of the clock.

Dalia Matačiūnienė

Dalia Matačiūnienė

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

According to D. Matačiūnienė, acute insomnia usually disappears on its own, when the factor that supports it no longer exists or the body adapts to changing conditions, especially if there are no other factors that impair sleep.

“The mechanism of chronic insomnia is more complex, several factors are important for its development and it is often difficult to identify a clear cause of insomnia. It is a long process, when the brain” learns not to sleep “and the factors that favor it. insomnia are important: personality traits, attitudes towards sleep disorders, level of anxiety, adherence to the rules of sleep hygiene, “said the neurologist.

The fact that insomnia has been affecting more people than usual lately can also be seen in the more hyped over-the-counter supplements, which are supposed to help you fall asleep faster and fall asleep better.

According to the doctor, over-the-counter sleep supplements are plentiful, but they all have a similar composition: herbal substances with a calming effect. For example, lemon balm, valerian, hops. It also contains small amounts of vitamin B, melatonin or amino acids, from which the body synthesizes it.

“Therefore, over-the-counter preparations are over-the-counter, so it is safe to buy and use them without a doctor’s advice, as long as the recommended dosage and procedure is followed. In mild cases, they can help, especially when anxiety prevents sleep. However, international recommendations for the treatment of insomnia state that food supplements and herbal preparations should not be prescribed for the treatment of insomnia due to their unproven sufficient effect, ”said D. Matačiūnienė.

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Associative photo.

It can also be seen that inhalers are becoming very popular right now, which are also promised to help you fall asleep. They do not contain nicotine, but they do contain tryptophan and several other vitamins, melatonin.

According to the interlocutor, inhalers are simply another way of “delivering” the same substances to the body. The popularization of inhalers is based on the fact that inhaled substances must enter the bloodstream faster and act more quickly.

“But everything else is the same as I already mentioned about all the over-the-counter sleep preparations – you can give it a try, but you shouldn’t expect a solution to all the problems. If the over-the-counter drugs help, I’m very excited to be with Consequently, small changes are sufficient for the correction of insomnia, which gives the patient the courage to continue working on himself, the mechanisms of strengthening sleep support, and we discuss the duration of use according to the type of insomnia “Said the neurologist.

It may also be the case that the person himself does not notice his sleep disorders, but perceives a worse state of health.

According to the doctor, the feeling of constant insomnia can also be a sign of a sleep disorder, even if the person does not notice insomnia.

“If a person feels this way constantly and cannot track frequent reasons by himself, such as shift work, irregular sleep patterns, frequent awakenings with young children, too short sleep duration, he should see a doctor . Both sleep disorders and various other health disorders can be hidden under this symptom, ”said D. Matačiūnienė.

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Associative photo.

Don’t be afraid to see the doctors

The doctor emphasizes: supplements are not the greatest evil and if lemon balm tea helps at bedtime, it does very well. However, most people turn to doctors when supplements no longer help. In this case, you need to look for the factors that support insomnia: habits, beliefs, fears, other health disorders, and at the same time choose the most optimal solution.

“In the case of isolated chronic insomnia, psychotherapy is the preferred method of choice, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and especially its type focused on insomnia, has the most evidence. Remote consultation with a psychotherapist is also possible during quarantine. Medication is only considered a second alternative ”, said the interlocutor.

According to the neurologist, people who still cannot go back to normal sleep, going to bed in the morning and getting up in the afternoon, must first make a firm decision about how they want to live and whether they have the motivation to change. something.

“If there is motivation, it should be assumed that the” change “of sleep time will not occur in a day or a week and will not necessarily be very easy. It is possible to gradually” push “the sleep time to the desired mode yourself, increasing sleep time a little every few weeks. Of course, in such cases it is always possible to consult a doctor, “said the doctor from the” Cardiolitis Clinics. “

More than usual, people began to complain of insomnia - the doctor explained why it happened

The doctor also added that under the torture of insomnia, there is no way to arbitrarily start taking prescribed sleeping pills. What is intended for one does not necessarily suit the other. Sleeping pills that are not used properly can have serious side effects. If insomnia persists despite non-medical relief, if it significantly impairs quality of life, it is worth seeking medical advice.

12 tips to overcome sleep disorders

Doctors at VUL Santara Clinics share 12 important tips to help you fall asleep faster and fall asleep better.

1. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day;
2. Plan short breaks between jobs;
3. Use the media in moderation so as not to cause additional stress;
4. Exercise;
5. Limit the time you spend on screens;
6. Adjust your diet;
7. Give up harmful habits;
8. Share daily activities with other family members;
9. Do not sleep in the same room with the child;
10. Bedroom – only for sleeping;
11. Create the right bedroom environment.

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