The queues of customers in the new store are angry: many people sweep some products in an instant


A new Lidl store opened in Pavilnis on Thursday. According to locals, the queues at the new store stretched from early in the morning, even before the store opened, and there was certainly no shortage of residents throughout the day, both indoors and outdoors. People say that it was necessary to search well for a place for a car on the store lot.

“I passed in the morning, full of things: the feeling that it is not the opening, but the closing of all Lidl in all of Lithuania forever,” the resident is surprised by the closed Facebook group.

“Until the night is full of people, everyone is attacking like crazy,” says another.

He also shared photos of the opening of the new Lidl store. There are lines of shoppers surrounding the entire mall building, where distances are difficult to maintain. The retail chain itself shared similar photos.

It turns out that people gathered in the store not in vain, here on the opening day, buyers were attracted by an advertising publication that, in addition to cheap bananas and chicken, also advertised air compressors.

It was that day that they were able to buy half as cheaply, but the merchandise was quickly seized: a commentator announced four minutes after the store opened that he had “taken the last one.”

Residents were outraged by such a stir during the quarantine and wondered if it was really wise to do so. “Are you furious?”

There are also excuses: “It can be condemned, but with a realistically regulated (protective) number of people to spend up to 15 minutes in the store. and buy a compressor for 70-80 euros cheaper, maybe not a mortal sin?

Shoppers flooded the stores

The sales network claims to have taken additional security measures.

Lina Skersytė, a public relations representative for Lidl Lietuva, says that on the day of the store opening, additional measures were taken to ensure customer safety and flow regulation.

“Additional security personnel were used to regulate the flow of customers, who regulated the flow of customers both outside the store and within the store. Security guards also made sure shoppers kept a safe distance outside.

On the opening day, trolley handles and store surfaces were additionally disinfected, and shoppers were informed about compliance with safety requirements. Protective masks were also distributed free of charge, ”reads the comment sent to Lidl.

Seduced by a promotional post

As early as December, when the government introduced stricter quarantine restrictions, the resolution introduced a new provision on the advertising of short-term shares:

It is recommended that all stores, supermarkets, markets and other public points of sale and service points do not use short-term sales promotions (sales, discount hours, tastings, etc.) that increase the flow of customers and visitors in very Little time. and place (excluding Internet commerce) “.

Later, Neringa Mikėnaitė, Advisor to the Press Service of the Ministry of Health, explained to that such a publication, which only offers discounts, cannot be considered a short-term incentive measure that increases the flow of buyers and visitors in a very little time and place.

“However, if the brochure emphasized that certain goods would only be available on a specific day at a specific time, such a measure would be in line with the measures mentioned in the decree,” the advisor explained.

In this case, L. Skersytė claims that no recommendation was officially violated and that the advertised campaigns were not one day

“The special offers did not apply only during the opening, these offers are valid for four days, from Thursday to Sunday,” comments the public relations representative of Lidl Lietuva.
