The company proposes to increase taxes on heating and diesel, but asks for compensation for driving.


LVK vice president, financial analyst and economist Marius Dubnikov said that the benefits are not bad, but that they should be aimed, for example, at savings, economic development or changes in people’s lives.

“For the time being, the Green Course should be promoted and tax incentives that encourage the pollution of our environment, such as incentives for firewood or colored diesel, should be abolished.

However, by forgoing these incentives, we can incentivize others, such as renewable energy or the promotion of solid boilers to power plants. we should be modern and give up fossil fuels, “said the economist.

LVK President Andrius Romanovskis said that business representatives also seek to invest in the well-being of employees.

Andrius Romanovskis (Photo by Arnas Strumila / Photo day)

“Employers should be encouraged to contribute to the well-being of their employees without income being taxed. Now, for example, it is possible to compensate a staff trip by bus, but when you drive your car and still take the children to school gardens childhood or schools on the way, there are already problems.

Employers should be encouraged to provide services to employees in the catering and health sectors. These areas are suffering a pandemic, so it would be beneficial for the state to encourage companies to spend their money in these sectors ”, commented the president of LVK.

Romanovskis also noted that the tourism sector is probably in the deepest coma right now.

“In addition to the support this sector receives, we also offer specific tax measures. We propose to apply 0% to the tourism sector. value added tax (VAT). The preferential pronunciation of VAT should also apply to health establishments, such as hotels with spas. VAT could reach 5% for them ”, explained the president of LVK.

M. Dubnikov, noted that in the last 4 years excise taxes on alcohol have been raised by 110 percent.

“I wish we had at least a 3-year plan to be able to predict what taxes will be applied to alcohol,” explained the economist.

Mr. Dubnikov also said that attention should be paid to the transport sector, which accounts for 7%. Lithuania GDP.

Marius dubnikovas

Therefore, the taxation of the mobility package and the increase of the workforce should be changed, as the sector will continue to shrink, the registration of new companies has already decreased by 45%. This means that the company is moving out of Lithuania due to the negative tax environment.

As regards the forestry sector, the additional tax on private forest owners should be removed. 5 percent deductible for all activities and this is wrong. Because it is claimed that private foresters use the infrastructure, foresters must pay taxes. Therefore, instead of 21 percent. They pay 26% VAT. However, more than one European country does not apply this tax ”, commented the economist.

According to him, similar sectoral taxes should be completely abandoned.
