China announces sanctions against Trump administration officials for “violation of sovereignty”


“China has decided to impose sanctions on 28 people who have seriously violated Chinese sovereignty,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement issued at the same time that Trump’s successor, Joe Biden, took office in Washington.

The future Biden administration is expected to continue its tough policy toward China, but it will also pay much more attention to international cooperation, unlike Trump, who chose the isolationist slogan “America first.”

“In recent years, some anti-Chinese politicians in America have planned, promoted and carried out a series of foolish steps due to selfish political interests and prejudices and hatred towards China, with total disregard for the interests of the Chinese and American, “the State Department said.

The actions were “a serious interference in China’s internal affairs, endangering China’s interests, insulting the Chinese people and seriously disrupting China-US relations,” the Foreign Ministry wrote.

In addition to Pompeo, Chinese sanctions will be imposed on Trump’s trade adviser Peter Navarro, national security adviser Robert O’Brien, undersecretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific David Stilwell, Secretary of Health Alex Azar and the ambassador of United States to the United Nations. Kelly Craft.

Beijing also announced sanctions on Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton and former White House strategist Stephen Bannon.

Officials and members of their families will be barred from entering mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“Its companies and institutions and related companies will also be restricted from doing business with China,” the ministry added.

Biden’s candidates for economic and foreign policy have sent signals that they will not complete Washington’s efforts to combat China’s trade abuse. Trump’s policy is likely to continue, at least in part, with the former leader embroiled in a trade war with Beijing for the past four years and imposing billions of dollars in criminal tariffs on Chinese goods.

“The Chinese government is firmly committed to defending China’s national sovereignty, security and development interests,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Biden’s candidate for Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and the head of the state department, Antony Blinken, have hinted that the new administration will boost investment to make American businesses and workers more competitive with Beijing.
