G. Nausėda’s plan: vaccinate 10,000 people by March. people per day, from April – 34 thousand. during the day. Is that possible?


According to the presidential calculations, Simonas Krėpšta, President Gitanas Nausėda’s senior adviser, shared the LRT radio program “Ryto garsai” on Thursday.

“Without a doubt, if we talk about the threshold of public immunity, it is necessary to vaccinate around 70%. population to do this in mid-summer, we’ve calculated, by March vaccination rates should reach at least 10,000 people every day, including weekends and holidays.

And as of April, the rate must accelerate significantly and reach 34 thousand every day, “the advisor told LRT Radio, emphasizing that there are signs that the situation with the number of vaccines will improve, we will receive more vaccines.

Luke April / 15min photo / Simonas Krėpšta

Luke April / 15min photo / Simonas Krėpšta

How many doses of vaccines have we managed to use?

The latest information published by Statistics Lithuania for January 20 shows that the vaccination rates mentioned by the Advisor to the President are still very far away: on the first day of vaccination he was vaccinated: 1427 people, on the second 1632, so in total more than 3,000 people received vaccinations. people.

A total of 56.3 thousand people were vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine. people, with two doses of vaccine – 8.2 thousand. people.

Since the first vaccination in Lithuania, which was applied in December during the main holidays of the year, a total of 64.6 thousand people have been used. doses of vaccines.

So far Lithuanian doses of vaccines have been received

Photo from the Ministry of Health.  / Quantities of BioNTech and Pfizer vaccines received by Lithuania

Photo from the Ministry of Health. / Quantities of BioNTech and Pfizer vaccines received by Lithuania

We have also received 2.4 thousand. Modern vaccine doses.

Only slightly larger shipments are promised until March

Last week, shocking news came from vaccine maker BioNTech and Pfizer that half of the vaccines will be delivered in the next month as promised, instead of 108.8 thousand. dose only 54.4 thousand.

However, after Lithuania and several other countries objected, it was promised to restore the quantities faster, starting on January 25.

A six percent increase in supply is expected for the rest of January and February.

On Wednesday, health spokeswoman Aistė Šuksta told BNS that the ministry had received vaccine delivery schedules at the end of February, but that the March schedule, although promised, had not been presented.

“For the rest of January and February, deliveries are expected to be six percent higher than the original delivery schedule, without thinking about the reduction in shipments,” the minister’s spokeswoman told BNS.

A. Matulas: it would be difficult to achieve, but possible

Chairman of the Health Affairs Committee of Seimas, conservative A. Matulas 15 minutes He said Thursday that looking at the amounts of vaccine we are receiving now, it is difficult to imagine that we will achieve the goal set by G. Nausėda.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Matulas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Matulas

“But I think it is good that the head of state is formulating ambitious goals. He may have more information from the European Commission about how many vaccines we will receive in the future. Still, his arguments are based on something,” said the parliamentarian.

According to A. Matulas, it would be strange if the head of state formulated aspirations that would be easy for anyone to achieve.

“It just came to our attention then. The whole problem is the quantity of vaccines,” he admitted.

The whole problem is the quantity of vaccines.

According to A. Matulas, Lithuania is ready for vaccination (this can be done through medical institutions, as well as, depending on which vaccines will arrive and if they may no longer need to guarantee extremely low temperatures) and through pharmacies.

“In a word, Lithuania will cope with vaccination, it depends on the amount. Apparently, the president also meant that universal immunity would be acquired not only by vaccination, but also by disease,” added the chairman of the committee.

He stressed that there are almost 170 thousand patients. And these are just official data.

The parliamentarian considered that the number of cases caused by COVID-19 in unrecorded cases in Lithuania in July could be a quarter of a million.

“Adding that number to the number of vaccinated makes it seem possible for me to achieve that goal,” he said.

According to A. Matulas, as soon as the opportunity arises, the private company will join the vaccination process.

A member of the Seimas said he was receiving calls from businessmen with questions about where to get commercial vaccines. According to him, employers would agree to pay any price for vaccines just to vaccinate their employees.

“And not only they, but another half of the district, agree sponsoriauti, ask how to get there. We need to rethink how to involve private companies. You can find all kinds of tools, “he said.

According to A.Matul, the European Medicines Agency will register more vaccines in the future, so he stated that it will be difficult, but possible, to achieve the goal of G.Nausėda.
