Announces an increase in air pollution: highlighted 4 cities


The main cause of deterioration in air quality is intensive local (individual) heating. In the next few days, unfavorable weather conditions will prevail for the dispersion of pollutants from the ambient air, so the concentration of particulate matter in the ambient air will continue to increase. NVSC specialists advise on how to behave these days so that we do not harm our health.

Effects of particulate matter on human health

Particulate matter is a mixture of airborne particles and liquid droplets, which can contain various components: acids, sulfates, nitrates, organic compounds, metals, soil particles, dust, soot, biological components (allergens, microorganisms).

Larger particulate matter (PM10) generally affects the upper respiratory tract, travels to the bronchi, generally causes coughing and sneezing, while small particles (PM2.5) enter the lungs, blood, and can affect not only the respiratory system but also circulatory, deteriorating the internal organs. function, complicates the course of chronic diseases.

Due to their complex chemical and physical composition, the particles are also toxic and carcinogenic due to the specific health effects of the specific substance they contain, for example due to the presence of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in soot, soot.

Infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with asthma and other diseases of the respiratory and circulatory system are among the most at-risk (sensitive) population affected by increased ambient air pollution.

Precautions – recommendations for the population:

do not incinerate any residue on used heating equipment (boilers, fireplaces, stoves);

People at risk, such as those with chronic diseases (asthma, heart or lung diseases, etc.) are advised to stay away from visible sources of pollution (busy streets, smoking chimneys, places with a specific smell); otherwise, stay home and check your health;

When planning physical activity and outdoor sports, we suggest choosing locations further away from sources of pollution and adjusting the duration of activity according to well-being;

For work or other reasons, we recommend that those who have been in contaminated areas for a long time use respiratory protection;

assess your health, if you are unwell, see a doctor immediately.

More detailed data on air quality surveys can be found in the “Air Quality Indicators” section of the Environmental Protection Agency website.
